setting up a tree

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"Satori, what's in the bag?"

"Oh! Remember last year when we accidentally threw out the tree box?"


Tendou shrugged, yet continued. "Anyway, we decided to just put it in a bag. What'd you think was in it?"

"Trash. Glad I asked though, I would hate to throw it away."

Ushijima made his way to the bag and unzipped it. "Where are the rest of the ornaments?"

"So about that, when I went to storage after going grocery shopping- there wasn't any room for the bag, tree, and the ornaments." Tendou began to explain as he walked into the living room. "But I was gonna get them once I got home- but then I fell asleep."

"So, you want me to go get them?"

"Well, yes."

"Okay, I'll be back. I love you."

"I love you too, Wakatoshi!" Tendou called.

(about 20 minutes later)

"I'm home! So how do you want to set up this year?"

"I- pshhh, don't know." Tendou trailed off.

"How about we set up the tree first, then the rest of the house, then the outside."

"I like the way you think Wakatoshi!"

"Okay, I'll go get the other decorations from the closet." Ushijima announced, as he walked over to the closet. He put his hand on the doorknob, and suddenly a wave of hesitation hit him, but he brushed it off. As soon as the door opened, the formerly retired decorations flooded the floor. He looked down at his buried feet and asked,
"Do you ever think we have too many decorations?"

"Oh Wakatoshi, you can never have too many decorations!"

"Whatever you say."

They began to unpack, and there was a lot of stuff; ornaments, snow globes, candy canes, and even mini reindeer. There were moments where both (believe it or not) got distracted.

"Satori can you juggle?"

"Juggle? I- I don't think so- can you?"

Ushijima paused, "Never tried."

Tendou stood up, and tossed three ornaments to his boyfriend. "Toss 'em to me?"

Ushijima nodded and tossed the first ornament to Tendou, who was currently throwing his arms up in a circular motion, imitating a professional juggler.

"Okay," He started, "Next one please."

"Okay- don't break anything though."

Tendou tensed up- thankfully he didn't drop the ornaments. "These... Wakatoshi, did you throw the glass ornaments, for me to juggle?"


"But I can't juggle, so I'm most likely going to- oh you didn't?"

Ushijima let out a light laugh, "Satori, why would I do that?"

"I don't know- but I was- am focused so I wasn't thinking straight."

"Okay, are you ready for the last one?"

"Okay yeah, whooo- okay."

"Here I go." Ushijima began, pulling his arm back to throw it.

"Wai- wait a second- go slow! Ah- ooh- no wait!"

"Satori, you're making it sound like we're having sex."

Tendou let out a fake gasp, but never taking his eyes off the ornaments he was currently 'juggling', "Hhh? Wakatoshi! Please get your mind out of the gutter- around all these festive decorations."

"I was just stating the obvious. Oh well- here!"

"Ah-" Safe to say, Tendou can only juggle two ornaments. "Well it's your turn now!"

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Ushijima answered, picking up the two ornaments his boyfriend dropped. Almost immediately he began to throw them up in a circular motion.

"You're pretty good at this Wakatoshi, but let's see if you do three!"

Somehow the third ornament got absorbed into the everlasting rotation. Tendou's jaw hit the floor, he couldn't find the right words to say.

"Satori! Can you try another one?"

"Really- if you're doing this to annoy me, it's not working!"

"I wasn't but okay."

Tendou tossed the last ornament that wasn't on the tree, and it hit one of the others. Just like that they all fell out of his hands.

"Wakatoshi-" The red head began, but was quickly cut off by the deep laughter of his boyfriend.

"Well that was fun while it lasted, let's go outside and decorate."

"Okay, I love you, you know."

Ushijima looked him in his eyes and smiled. "I love you too!"

a/n: hey y'all, sorry this is like 3 hours later than usual- but at 12 i was busy watching ponyo and getting my ass kicked in science!

if this seems weird i'm sorry too- i didn't want this one to be too long, but i didn't know how to close it.

did you guys see the new episode- i'm in love!

the way this kid called him out for being weird- just 😙🤌🏾💋

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the way this kid called him out for being weird- just 😙🤌🏾💋

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