ruined surprises

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konaomi (konoha + komi)

konaomi (konoha + komi)

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konoha (3rd person)He couldn't get both pairs of shoes, apparently they're sold out

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konoha (3rd person)
He couldn't get both pairs of shoes, apparently they're sold out. Konoha paused and thought, Maybe you can't buy more than one pair at a time- that makes sense.

So he got rid of what would be his pair of shoes and tried again. He waited and waited then a check and confetti popped up on the screen.

"Oh thank god." He sighed. "He thinks I couldn't get them- but I did, so I can surprise him on christmas with these!"

 "He thinks I couldn't get them- but I did, so I can surprise him on christmas with these!"

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When they woke up on Christmas, it was sort of awkward

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When they woke up on Christmas, it was sort of awkward. They handed each other their 'surprise gift', yet they acted as if they didn't know what was in it. They still loved their gifts of course but the only thing they could say was,

"Let's do better next year!"
hey- this is short asf ik, but i decided to do a chatfic for the sole purpose of me not knowing how to carry this out

this was also based off a true story


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