christmas light battle

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The door opened and Kotarou ran up to Korai to be pet.

"Korai, have you seen the Johnson's lights this year? They really are beautiful!"

"What? like better than their minimalist vibe from last year?"

"Uh- yeah I guess?"

Korai jumped up and put his slides on. He grabbed his keys and shouted, "They had better decorations than us last year- and we don't even have any up!"


"And we're going to go get some! Try to follow along!"

Sachiro was confused to say the least, but he still put his shoes on and followed his husband. When they stepped outside Korai froze, he turned his head to see his competition.

"See, isn't it cool, they have an inflatable Santa!"

"Sachiro- we need to get like three of those, a shit ton of lights, and a speaker- do you still have your speaker?"

"I think so- what store are we going to?"

"Walmart- maybe target!"

In the ten minute drive from their house to Walmart, Korai just kept spewing ideas on how to one up the neighbors. He suggested fireworks, a petting zoo, and a waterslide.

When they walked into the store they made a beeline towards the outdoor section.

"Hmm, personally, I think we should get an ornament one and a sleigh one."

"One what?"

"Inflatable thingy!" Korai told him as he picked up two boxes.

"Should we get these big plastic candy canes?" Sachiro asked, twirling them around like batons. He dropped them.

"We totally should! Let's get six!" They picked three green ones and three red ones, before they got five boxes of fifty feet string lights; each in a different color.

They went to the checkout line and the cashier asked, "You got a party going on or something?"

"Actually we're going to beat our neighbors asses!"

"It's an unofficial light battle with our neighbors." Sachiro cut in, handing his card.

"Makes sense, that'll be $150!"

"Here." He stated, handing them the money. He then turned to face his husband and said, "This was your idea, so you hold the bags."

The ride home was similar to the previous one, because Korai was still spewing ideas on how to 'demolish those try hards!' When they had finally gotten home the boxes of lights, inflatables, candy canes and more were flung out of their bags. Sachiro hadn't even gotten his keys out when Korai had run into the house to get the supplies.

"He must really have to pee!" The Johnsons concluded from their front yard.

"Something like that."

"That's a lot of boxes."

"I know."

Korai threw the door open and tried to run outside shouting, "Okay- I got the ladder, a hammer, some tape, the speaker,and the rest of the shit we'll need!" He looked at Sachiro, then followed his eyes to their next door neighbors. "Bethany, Carl, I didn't expect you to be here."

"We live here, we have been for about a year now."

"Hm. Well me and Sachiro are gonna be setting up, and it might get loud.'

Bethany peered over the fence and squinted to get a better look at the boxes, then exclaimed, "Oh you guys are putting up your lights tonight, do you want any help?"

"I'm sure we'll manage."

With that the Johnsons went back into their house. Korai immediately went to put their ladder up, then Sachiro threw a box of lights at him.

"Learn to be nice!"

"I was!"

It took them three hours to put everything up ( it could've been two if Korai could stay serious and stop falling off the ladder). Once they finished Sachiro got the cords and plugged them up, and their whole cul de sac was lit up. The Johnsons came out once they heard Megan Thee Stallion come on over the speaker.

"Shit," Korai began, frantically scrolling to get to his christmas playlist. "Here it is!"

"What is this?"

"Why isn't anyone else out here?"

Sachiro shrugged, "They're probably used to us by now."

"Used to what? What does that even mean?"

"Our impulsivity and competitiveness!" Korai cut in after acknowledging their work.

"But this is too much!"

The couple looked at each other.

"Just wait til next year then!"

"Just wait til next year then!"———

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hirushoshi's house

the johnson's housea/n:1) sorry how fuckin late this is

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the johnson's house
1) sorry how fuckin late this is

2) hopefully i'll write the next one soon

3) i finished tpn (idk if i already said that) and started jujutsu kaisen

enjoy cause this was kinda fun to write

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