christmas eve

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"Hey- Shiba, what's with all this red and green?" Kuguri asked as he stepped into his shared flat.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you- I set up some christmas decorations while you were gone!"


"What is it? Do you not like it?" The shorter man asked, his mood visibly deflating.

"No- they're lovely, it's just I don't celebrate christmas."

"Oh- if you don't mind me asking, why?"

"I just didn't see the point."

Shibayama was practically vibrating in excitement. "Do you want me to show the point?"

"If it makes you happy, then yes."

Shibayama suddenly grabbed his boyfriend's arm and led him to the living room- only it didn't look like their living room. There was a tree clad in lights and streamers and ornaments in the corner, there were also two stacks of dvd movies.

"There's no way you did all this by yourself- who helped you?"

"Mika and Daishou came over last week and helped."

"Suguru knows I don't celebrate- he did this on purpose!"

"Oh well! So first- wait have you ever had eggnog?" The black haired man asked- earning a head shake. "Gosh- you're like a baby bird. Okay I'll go get some for us, and you can pick a movie."


Kuguri shuffled over to the couch and picked up a movie Elf, he picked up another one Home Alone, and deciding he didn't want to keep looking he chose Elf, it seemed funny. He liked funny.

"Okayy what'd you pick? Elf- good choice!"

A few hours pass by and Kuguri realized that eggnog is gross and that Home Alone is probably the best movie he's ever seen.

"Shit. Drank too much hot chocolate- I'll be back."

The brown haired man took advantage of his boyfriend's absence to go to their room and get a box.

"Oh hell yeah." He breathed as he tip toed into the living room. Gently and schematically, he placed the box under the tree, he chose a spot behind two big boxes-

"Kuguri, what are you doing?" Fuck.

"Uh- watering the tree?"

"You're a horrible liar- what's up?"

"I got you a present- and I was putting it under the tree." Kuguri responded, feeling defeated.

"I- I thought you don't celebrate?"

"I don't- er didn't, but I know how much this means to you."

"Aww that's so sweet!" Shibayama gushed.

"It's nothing really."

"No it is! You did this because you love me and you knew it would make me happy!"

"Yeah." Kuguri said as a blush furiously crawled up his face.

"I love you so much!"

"I love you too!"
y(h)o y(h)o y(h)o
⬆️so i was gonna say yo yo yo then i put the (h) so it could be ho ho ho, you get it? like santa- no ok

what's up y'all this was kinda difficult to write- but tomorrow's chapter is gonna be lowkey funny, i think

also i got carried away and this has like nothing to do with christmas eve

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