Chapter Twenty Nine✨

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||Chapter Twenty Nine||

I stirred in my bed unable to sleep as I thought about Tade and today's experience.
Will you be my boyfriend?
I groaned into my pillows, not knowing what to do or think or feel.  Do I even like Tade that way?. I mean why would she want to date a guy like me. I don't even know if I'm able to overcome my Phobia yet if it's related to her.
She deserves someone better. Not a guy like me, I'm too faulty.

I sighed decided to go get myself a hot cup of coffee from the kitchen since I was unable to fall asleep. I slipped on my comfortable slippers walking out of my hotel room the key in one hand.

I was walking down the hall when I head noises coming from Tade's room.
It seemed like she was arguing with someone and her voice was raised, my heart rate increased as I wondered if she was okay.

I didn't mean to hurt her

I just don't get why she asked such  question.

I walked closer to her room, noticing that the door wasn't fully closed. I stood closer to it making sure they couldn't see me watching what was happening.

Tade looked broken, her hair unkept and frizzy tears running down her eyes as she screamed at someone who looked a lot like Dayo.

My blood boiled as I got a closer look at who it was only to see it was Dayo who seemed to be packing up his things.

That Bastard

"Why are you acting like this? Where are you packing off to?!" Tade inquired her voice cracked as tears streamed down her face.

Dayo ignored her continuing to pack up, throwing his things into his bag.

" Answer me!" Tade screamed hitting him trying to get his attention.

"Leave me alone okay!" Dayo said aggressively pushing him off her causing her to fall on the ground with a thump slightly hitting her head.


I immediately rushed into their room worried about Tade, as I helped her sit up on the bed. She seemed surprised to see me as I wiped off her tears my heart breaking into pieces as I looked at her.

"Kola?. What... What're you doing here?" She stuttered her voice broken

Tade doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

I stood up clenching my fists turning to look at Dayo my blood boiling with rage. His eyes were filled with disgust before his lips quirked up into a smirk.

"Well look at that baby girl, your second boyfriend finally showed up" he spat mockingly.

I immediately raised my fist to his face, the force of my punch causing him to stumble backward hitting the wall.

I've always wanted to do that.

"Bastard" I spat out in fury scowling deeply at him.

He used his palms to clean out the blood from his lips laughing humourlessly his eyes on me. Tade looked really surprise at my outburst, her eyes wide.

I'm also surprised I could do that too.

But I guess my anger knows no limit.

"What did you just call me?" He asked in disgust

"I called you a bastard!. You're a fucked up prick Dayo. Extremely fucked up!!!" I exclaimed in anger.

He marched towards me his hands balled into fists as he tried hitting me, I immediately dodged it kicking his chest the force causing him to fall on the ground.

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