Chapter Five.

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A/N:Listen, I really need y'all to choose one of the three names. It has to be before the end of this month seeing as I'm starting a new fanfic. It's most likely going to be Haikyuu! SakuAtsu. So please choose a name. I don't want to disappoint you all. Again, I have so many chapters already done but you have to wait. I really hope this is good enough for you all. Bye bye 🥰 ugh, I'm aware this is a late update but I just got done with school for the day

Waking up, Atsumu purred, snuggling into the soft warmth, before snapping up, blushing when he noticed he was snuggling Kiyoomi. Poking his cheek, Atsumu giggled when Sakusa's nose scrunched up, before trying to get up.

Sakusa groaned, tightening his grip on Atsumu's waist when the small boy tried to move, "Stop moving 'Tsumu, i'm trying to sleep." Kiyoomi grumbled, nuzzling his face in those beautiful blonde locks that smelled like vanilla and lavender.

"I have school Omi, I need to get up," Atsumu chided the younger, but taller, male. Hearing a groan, and the grip on his waist loosen, Atsumu got out of bed, taking a quick shower. "Omi, can I borrow your clothes again? I promise i'll return them," He pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

Sighing, Kiyoomi got a pair of shorts and a shirt, tossing the items to the blonde, along with a pair of boxers, "Here, go change. I'll walk you to school." Watching as the blonde nodded and walked to the bathroom, Kiyoomi couldn't stop staring at his ass.

Brushing his teeth and hair, Atsumu put on the clothes, looking over to the hoodie he wore the day before and tied it to his waist. "Hey Kiyoomi?" Atsu called, stepping out of the bathroom dressed.

"Yes Atsu-" Sakusa cut himself off, "Kiyoomi?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

The blonde turned red, watching as the ravenette slightly laughed, "Y-yeah, uhm, anyway, I was wondering if we could go shopping after school? O-only if you want to of course! I don't want to push you or anything-"

Kiyoomi cut Atsumu off by placing a finger on the blondes soft, plump, and pink lips, "Of course Atsu, anything you want. Come how, I'll drop you off and text me when you need to be picked up, you have practice after school today. Don't overdo it, okay?"

Watching as the blonde nodded, they went down to start the long, it was really only half an hour, walk to school. "YOU-uhm, Kiy- Omi omi, c-can you uhm, give me a piggyback ride please?" Atsumu looked down shyly, prepared for Sakusa to coldly reject him.

Instead of doing what the oldest Miya had assumed, Kiyoomi stopped in his tracks, bending down to leg Atsumu climb on his back. The blonde's eyes brightened, and he quickly climbed on the others males back, arms wrapped loosely around the others males neck, legs around his waist as the curly haired ebony boy supported his weight by placing his hands on Atsumu's thighs. The blonde male excitedly chattered about whatever, all the way to school.

Putting the blonde down, Atsumu lightly jumped off, standing on his toes to kiss Sakusa's cheek, before running into the school, waving bye. Smiling, Sakusa turned around, going to the store to buy a present for his dear Atsumu.

As school progressed, Atsumu received a lot of curious stares, and many teases from his three best friends, Suna, Kita, and his dear twin, Osamu. Huffing, Atsumu walked to practice, changing into his gear before going to practice with the rest, a happy smile on his face.

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