Chapter Fourteen.

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A/N: Fluff before the real angst 🥰🥰

Cleaning his face, Atsumu plastered on a small smile, hoping no one would see through it. Going back to the living room, he found his brother and Suna cuddling on the couch, sleeping soundly. Getting a blanket, he draped it over them. Turning around, he noticed Sakusa staring at him. He quietly walked over, his own blanket wrapped around his shoulders as he gripped his fox stuffie.

Plopping himself on the germaphobe's lap, Atsumu curled up like a fox, purring when a hand started massaging his scalp and playing with his bleached locks. Looking up, black eyes met honey ones, both showing waves of love. Atsumu broke away first, choosing to hug his plush tightly, nuzzling Sakusa before getting comfortable, drifting to sleep. The last thing he remembers is Kiyoomi whispering sweet nothing to him while rubbing his back in comforting circles.

Waking up was definitely a surprise. He remembered falling asleep cuddling his little Atsu on Sakusa’s lap. Instead, he awoke to screaming, his stuffie beside him on the floor, sitting comfortably on Suna’s lap. Looking around, no one seemed to notice the short male was awake.

Atsumu reached down for his fox, but was quickly stopped by Suna, who thought he was falling in his sleep. Tears came to the older Miya’s eyes, a frustrated whine leaving his lips, halting all movement in the room.

Atsumu looked at them, eyes glossy, lips pouting. He was absolutely adorable, and all the boy wanted was his stuffed animal and sleep. Walking over, Kiyoomi bent down next to him, picking the fox up, “Is this what you want baby?” he asked in a soft tone, holding the toy up. When the ravenette got a nod of affirmation, he handed it to Atsumu, watching as the boy held it close, curling up and Suna’s lap to go back to sleep.

Everyone remained silent, waiting till Atsumu’s breathing evened out. As Atsumu slept, the two tops stayed silent, glaring everyone once in a while. Suna ran a hand through the bleached hair, humming a lullaby softly.

Soon, the two raven haired boys left, Atsumu clinging to his brother, fox still in his grip. Giving both a kiss on the cheek, he went to Osamu’s room, laying in his bed. The blonde was lulled to sleep once again by his brother's scent, the comfort of knowing no one could hurt him here, and his twin’s warm arms holding him close. Atsumu was happy, forgetting about all his problems.

Like everything in life, his happiness was short lived. Right when he was finally happy, the world decided to crush him down once again. But this time, he had people who would stay by him, or so he thought as he laid in his younger brother's comforting arms, being gently rocked to sleep.

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