Chapter Four.

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A/N: Mentions of Rape- lmao I dont even know where I'm going with this haha. Y'all, I literally have up to chapter nine on this 😭✋ please help- also, I decided I'm gonna post the last chapter kn the 30th so be ready 😜 (Last chapter is just- mwah-) hehe the last ten days be getting spicy 👀👀 but I'm not gonna finish the book if I don't get over two hundred reads by my birthday 😌 so have fun :) unless yall really want this story 👀👀👀 aight, bad bitch out 💅🏽✨ (it was originally a hundred but damn I just checked and I have over a hundred  😳) uh, also, I need y'all to choose between these three names. Comment by the one you want. potajeon thanks for adding my story to your list :)

Ome: Rose Filled Stars.

Two: Star Filled Roses.

Three: Roses Fall, Stars Rise.

After classes finished, and Atsumu had to deal with all the stares and questions, they finally left the schoolyard, Atsumu on Sakusa’s back. “I'm gonna take him to my hotel room, and no Osamu, we aren’t gonna have sex, enjoy your date Suna. Bye guys.” Atsumu waved bye, clinging onto Sakusa as they made their way back to his hotel room.

“Omi-Omi~” Atsumu whispered, his breath sending a shiver down Sakusa’s spine.

“Yes, Atsu?” he turned a corner, walking over to the elevator, pressing the number ‘5.’

“Uhm, why are you doing all this? I know you are getting better with your mysophobia but- you’ve never been this clingy? I guess, before. Are you okay Omi-Omi?” Atsumu asked, trying to get off Sakusa, only to have a burst of pain shoot up his back, eliciting a whimper out of the short male.

“Cuz I know something happened, and everytime you move just the slightest bit a flash of pain is shown in your eyes. I want you to tell me what happened when we get to my place, okay?”

Atsumu whimpered, but otherwise stayed silent. As they reached the floor Sakusa lived on, he sat Atsumu down on the bed, bringing a chair over to sit down in front of him. “So, mind telling me what happened now? And don’t try to lie or hide anything up, that won’t do any of us good.”

Atsu stayed silent, before inhaling loudly, letting out a small exhale, “Uhm, from the very beginning or why I'm in physical pain?”

“All of it Atsumu. From the moment it started,” Sakusa clarified, leveling Atsumu with an icy glare.

“Ah, okay.. Well, the short version, don’t give me that look! Anyway, the short version, I couldn’t sleep last night, so I went down to get some water to help with that. I saw my, this part is very important cuz it led up to the events, homophobic mom, she doesn't care Osamu is dating Suna but-” he cut himself off, taking in a gulp of air before continuing, “anyway, she was drunk off her rockers and I brought her to her room. After I went to the park, yes I know it was the middle of the night- stop glaring at me- and walk around for a few. I sat on a bench, yes it was sanitary, and got lost in thought. Next thing I know-” Atsumu stopped, looking down. He didn’t want to tell Sakusa this next part.

“Atsu, what happened next?” Kiyoomi asked softly, holding Atsumu’s hand gently.

Taking a deep breath, Atsumu looked at Sakusa with tears in his eyes, “T-then I- I turned around and a man, please calm down Omi… he, and some of his buddies, they-they shoved me to the ground and t-tou-” Atsumu choked on a sob, tears streaming down his face and onto Sakusas hoodie, “They touched me and did nasty things to m-my body- and-and I couldn't stop it a-at all!” He wailed, burying his face in Sakusa’s chest, who just held him gently.

“I'm sorry Atsu, I didn’t know. I'm sorry, do you want to tell the police?” Sakusa said softly, trying to comfort the sobbing blonde. His heart broke every time he heard a sob escape the one he loved.

“N-no, no please O-omi don't make me!” Atsumu sobbed louder, fingers clutching onto the fabric of Sakusa’s shirt.

“Shh, shh, I won’t. Did you clean yourself properly? I don’t want you to get an infection from people gang raping you.”

“I- I'm not sure Omi-Omi…” Atsumu looked down, afraid he disappointed his Omi.

“Hey, look at me.” Sakusa gently lifted Atsumu’s head so they could lock eyes, “I'll help you, okay? I’ll explain everything I'm doing and whenever you feel uncomfortable just tell me and I’ll stop, okay? We could always go to the hospital if you aren’t comfortable wi-” He was cut off by a frantic looking Atsumu shaking his head.

“N-no! I trust you Omi, just- no hospitals.. Please Omi-Omi?” Atsumu gave him the best puppy dog eyes he could, which was both adorable and hot at the same time. 

“Let's go to the shower, yea?” Standing up, Sakusa picked Atsumu up with care, walking to the bathroom.

After they properly cleaned Atsumu up, his legs were wrapped, seeing as there were nail marks all over his thighs. They laid on the hotel bed, cuddling while watching “Ratatouille.”

“I'm sorry Omi, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” Atsumu whispered into Sakusa’s chest, looking at him with tears in his eyes. Quickly wiping them away, Kiyoomi kissed Atsumu’s forehead gently.

“None of this is your fault ‘Tsumu, don’t blame yourself.” Patting Atsumu’s blonde locks, Sakusa allowed Atsumu to cling onto him, as they slowly drifted off to sleep with Disney movies playing in the background.

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