Chapter Nineteen.

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Itazai Miamori first started appearing in Atsumu’s life a week after he made it into the MSBY Black Jackals. Slowly, everyone noticed how the boy would quietdown, become reserved. Eventually, someone snapped after seeing the blonde come in with a bruise.

“Atsu! I'm worried! Why won’t you leave that Miamori guy?!” It was Sakusa who snapped, worried at how the blonde male was slowly reverting back to when they found him.

“I-I’ve tried Omi! But-but-” Atsumu broke down, falling into Kiyoomi’s awaiting arms.

“I'm sorry for snapping at you. Shh, i'm here. Do you want me to call your brother?” When Atsumu shook his head, clinging tighter to the ravenette, the team immediately called 911 and Miamori.

Miamori was the first to show up, stomping over to the pair angrily, “What the hell Atsumu?! I was sleeping! And why are you clinging to this bastard?!”

Atsumu shaking in fear, Itazai tried to grab him, only to be tackled to the ground by Daichi. “You're under arrest for abuse, sexual assault, and the kidnapping of Miya Atsumu.”

Practice was cancelled for the day. Sakusa took Atsumu to his place since Atsumu was out of town on business. Sitting down on the couch, a silence engulfed them.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” The silence was broken after 30 minutes by Sakusa. When the germaphobic didn’t get an answer, he turned to see Atsumu holding in tears. Bringing the latter into a hug, Kiyoomi whispered sweet reassuring words to him.

“I-I'm sorry I didn’t tell you. I-I was afraid you’d h-hate me,” the blonde sobbed out, face buried in the tallers neck.

“Atsumu.. I could never hate you. I- I love you.”

Startled at the confession, Atsumu looked up with hope in his eyes, “Really Omi-kun?”

“Really.” Kiyoomi had a small, sweet smile adorning his features. Looking at Atsumu, he silently asked for permission, which was eagerly given. Leaning doward, their lips were caught in a sweet dance, moving delicately against each other as they kept it short.

“Will you be my boyfriend Omi-Omi?” Atsumu asked once the kiss ended, panting lightly with a hint of red adorning his cheeks and nose.

‘Cute,’ Sakusa thought, nodding his head before bringing Atsumu to his room for cuddles. ONLY CUDDLES! They snuggled into each other, happy.

Atsumu was finally being shown the love he deserved. Everyone would be much happier. No more tears would be shed out of pain. That's what they all thought, anyway.

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