Chapter Seven.

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A/N:oops? I don't know when I published the first chapter.. if you know, tell me? Here's the chap for today 🥰 longer chapters coming

After practice, Osamu and Atsumu, the Miya twins, walked down the familiar path to their home, light banter and jokes filling the cool November air.

"Hey, 'Tsumu?" Osamu suddenly piped up from the comfortable silence they had fallen into, hands interlocked as they walked quietly to their home. Atsumu hummed, looking over to his brother. "Do you.." he hesitated.

"Do I what Samu?" The twins had stopped, facing each other, hands no longer interlocked.

Before Osamu could answer, there was a ping from both their phones. Reaching into their bags, they pulled up the group chat Atsumu had created for the team, "It's nothing, don't worry about it." Osamu waved off as Atsumu nodded, shutting his phone off as he opted to look over Osamu's shoulder.

🦊 Inarazaki Group Chat 🦊

Kita💓: We have a practice match with Fukorodani next week. Stay hydrated and work hard.

Aran: Got it! Thanks Kita!

Akagi: Okay, thank you Kita!

Osamu🍙: Thanks Kita-san.

Oomimi: What they said^

Kita: No problem guys! Has anyone seen Atsumu though?

Osamu🍙: He's reading over my shoulder, lazy ass didn't wanna use his own phone.

That had received him a slap on the head, which Osamu only snickers at. Atsumu quickly snatched his phone, texting the group as they crossed the road.

Atsumu/Osamu🍙: Hi! It's Atsumu! Don't mind 'Samu, thank you for telling us Kita-san! We will be at our best! 🥰 Bye Bye!!!

Osamu snatched his phone back, glaring at his brother before returning to text the group. Hearing a horn blaring and people screaming, they both looked up, seeing a car approaching them, rather quickly at that.

Eyes widening, Atsumu quickly pushed Osamu out of the way, taking the blunt of the hit. Tires screeching, pedestrians and others quickly rushing to the scene, some teens recording it for youtube.

"ATSUMU!!!!" Osamu screamed, scrambling to get up. Once he did, he quickly ran over to his brother, who had a pool of blood forming under him, limbs bending at weird angles, and tears flowing down his face. "S-stay with me! Someone call an ambulance! Do something!" Osamu screamed at the people surrounding them, crying his eyes out. "Please don't leave me like everyone else 'Tsumu..."

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