Chapter Seventeen.

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A/N: Yall thought this was gonna be fluff? W r o n g 🤭 fluff will be soon though :)

Looking numbly at the teen, Atsumu lazily sucked him off, the urge to puke whenever he did this had worn off, along with everything else. He no longer cared if he got hurt or manhandled. Atsumu had grown used to the pain, the ache in his heart, the blood he coughed up whenever he did poorly or refused. 

Hope was long gone. Time flew by, no one came. Wishing, praying, hoping was all he had left, but even that left him after weeks of being in this hellhole. No longer interested in being saved, Atsumu layed on the cold floor numbly, listening to the soft patter of water hitting the ground. He sometimes wondered how long it's been since he's been here. How long had he given up hope? Was anyone coming for him? Atsumu had tried to escape, anyone in his situation would, but that turned out to be futile because as soon as he stepped outside the door, all he saw was black and white. Vision blurred from the bright lights, constant thrumming in his skull, and the hand that pulled his hair.

Atsumu would never escape. He had accepted his fate, but it seemed like his family hadn’t, as when the last of his hope left him, and he was on the verge of passing out, a figure entered the room. Thinking it was just another buyer, Atsumu tried drifting to sleep. 

Sleeping was a no go, as the women kicked him, effectively causing his body to shrivel up in pain. “W-what the fawk,” he coughed out, voice hoarse from weeks of screaming and crying. Atsumu barely talked, but when he did it ended with punishment time. Just because he was held captive, didn't mean he stopped being an asshole.

“Get up, i'm here to help.” The woman whispered, looking around, “My name is Eisha, hurry up before he comes back.”

Atsumu groaned, but did as told. Reaching for a ripped shirt and pants, he slid them on. “You're gonna help me walk, I was literally just beat.”

“Yeah, yeah, just come on. We don't have a lot of time.” 

Eisha and Atsumu hurried down the halls, twisting and turning more frequent than the blonde would like. Making it to the front door, they hurried to the brown car, jumping in and speeding away.  Leaning back, Atsumu sighed in relief.

“Tell me about yerself.” the newly freed prisoner demanded, hoping to all gods he made the right choice.

“My name is Eisha, I work in the human trafficking industry,” Atsumu paled, seeing the smirk forming on her face, “Sorry bud, but it was either this, or your life there.”

“I prefered my life at Ien's,” he hissed, trying to open the door. Eisha wasn't having none of that, backhanding the boy.

“I don't care what you preferred. You are with me now, and you better behave. I'm much worse than that man.” She hissed, turning a corner sharply, Atsumu hitting the window harshly, causing him to pass out. He knew he should’ve stayed. Damn him for being so out of it.

As Atsumu sat in the car passed out, the police raided the house. Finding no one there, they gathered evidence before leaving. They left two officers, who arrested Ien hours later along with his accomplice. They were sentenced 25 years to life in jail. 

All of Atsumu’s friends were getting desperate. They missed the blonde bee boy. Sending out small search parties, putting up posters, and talking to anyone and everyone, the volleyball teams never gave up hope, even when Atsumu was reported dead after three months.

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