The Hidden

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dif·fer·ent                                                                                                                            /ˈdif(ə)rənt/                                                                                                                            adjective

1. Not the same as another; unlike in nature, form, or quality.

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Scar sat on the roof of a tall tower, the wet moss that covered the roof in distinct areas was soft beneath him. The tower was made of mostly stone, textured with other blocks, as it twisted back and forth unevenly. Vines crawled up the sides of the tower, along with various other plants that blossomed in the cracks of the stone. From the top of the tower, Scar could see dense trees for miles around him, The Mother Tree off in the distance, the glass cube surrounding it slightly foggy. The gentle glow of the sun setting behind the land casted a golden hue over the world around him.

Scar sighed, pushing himself to a standing position. He had seen this view many times before, and as stunning as it was, seeing it every night for the last 10 years or so, really dulls down the beauty. Scar climbed down from the tower, smiling softly at the cats waiting for him at the bottom on the tower. He started to walk away from the tower, the cats following close behind. 

As he neared his bed, he turned to look at himself in the mirror that was hung up on his wall. He took off his hat, and brushed his fluffy brown hair out of his face with his hand. He had emerald green eyes, and freckles across the bridge of his nose. He had three long scars going across his face, and his clothes were old and beaten. His jacked was starting to tear at the seams.

Scar sat down on his bed. As he laid his head on the pillow, ready to fall asleep, a shout came from outside. It sounded panicked, like a scared animal being prepared for the slaughter.

But it sounded like a human.

At first, Scar was confused. He was alone in this world, he had made sure of it. He had lived here for 10 years, and never seen any living thing that wasn't a plant or animal. 

The thought of a human was confusing. And concerning.

Scar jumped out of bed, the sea of cats that lay around his bed were startled. Scar put on his hat, and started to make his way toward the sound.

"Um, hello?"

Scar called out, trying to find where the sound had come from.

"Who's there?"

A voice answered, wearily. 

Scar ran through the overgrown trees, ducking under branches, and jumping over small bushes. He weaved his way through the jungle he had created a few years back by spamming saplings everywhere. He enjoyed the greenery that the trees had brought him, but now, they were annoying to move through. 

Scar neared up on what looked to be a man in full armor, a helmet covering his head. The visor was dark, you could barely see his eyes. But Scar doubted that he was unable to see through it. The man probably saw much more than Scar ever could. The thought of that scared him a little.

"Hello there."

Scar greeted the man. 

The helmeted man whipped around to face Scar. He was first a little startled, but then relaxed after he saw the man's gentle eyes, projecting an image that meant no harm. 

"Ello. Sorry to bother you, but I caught a disturbance in this world and had to track it down."

The man said calmly.

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