Bonfire Night

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I must have fallen asleep again because I suddenly awoke to a loud car horn."what the-" honk honk honkkkkkk! The loud car cut me off. "Seriously" I groaned annoyed at the noise. "HEY KENDALL" Jackson yelled running towards the slightly beat up, blue car. April wondered up across the sand and stood next to me, "looks like there's more boys" she smirked. "If your implying that I'm gonna fall-" I stopped mid sentence to see a boy get out of the car. He has soft blonde hair that was spiked up at the front, deep hazel/brown eyes, and high eye brows but man, did he look good. I couldn't take my eyes of him. It was like I was stuck, star struck. And wow, he had big muscles, probably meaning he had muscles by sadly was covered by sunset coloured singlet. Everyone noticed me staring, including this 'Kendall' guy because he smiled at me and also I heard heaps of whistles which made me snap out of it. I blushed a bit and April who was still standing there just gave me a nudge and walked off. Jackson and Kendall made there way down greeting everyone and of course I was last. I pulled my hair out of my face and looked him in the eyes as he stopped to say hi. "This is Rebecca or Becca in shorts, Aprils and Roses friend" Jackson said introducing myself for me, "I'm Kendall, nice to meet you.. Rebecca" he said winking at me. I bit my lip as his voice went all low and sexy as he said my name. He looked at me and smiled. Maybe tonight would be good I thought.

The sun was just settling down past the hill. Colours of yellow and orange splashed the sky. It was beautiful really. The crackling of the fire was soft as we all gathered around it. Me and Kendall sat next to each other, talking ever since he got here. Funny enough I got to know a lot about him. He was a year above me (same with jackson), loved sports but had a passion with singing. Top classes in school and yes of course a jock. Small music played in the back ground from the speaker. I hummed quietly along to it and I think Kendall noticed because he started humming along too. I laughed at that, "such a beautiful night isn't it" I said gazing out at the almost hidden sun. "Yeah it is, but the view next to me, that's beautiful. I instantly went red, bright, rosy red. He was talking about me, me, Rebecca. I looked at him sheepishly and looked into his brown eyes. He moved closer to me and I noticed he was blushing too. As he was about to say something another car horn went off, instantly moving him away from me. 'God damnit' I thought. I could hear yells from what sounded like 2 girls. Kendall got up and walked over to one of the girls, wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her into a hug. My stomach twisted. 'This is crazy' I thought to myself 'you can't like him.. Can you?' I question myself silently but was interrupted by one of the girls talking to me "hi! I'm Brooke!" She half yelled into my ear. I Took a look at her. No description needed only 2 words. Barbie dolls. Both of them. "Rebecca" I say smiling at her. She bounced away greeting everyone as loud as she did to me. The next one came up with Kendall. He had his arm around her waist. 'Don't get Jelous' I told myself. "hey, you must be Becca right?" Her voice was less enthused which was good, "Yep that's me" I said smiling "well Becca I'm Lily" she paused but continued smiling "Kendall's girlfriend" my stomach dropped completely. 'Of course he had a girlfriend' I practically yelled inside my head. How could he flirt with me? Argh, I hate players. "Well Kendall's girlfriend" I said emphasising girlfriend "it was nice to meet you" I looked at Kendall and his eyes were unreadable. 'Guilt maybe? Or even a bit of sadness? No snap out of it, he's a player and you know it' I told myself again. I turned and walked away.

We all sat and cheered as the dark night surrounded us. Someone turned up the music and all of us sang along. I was sitting alone, but it was okay. I looked across from me. Roses head was rested on Hayden's shoulder as he had his arm around her waist. Next to them April and Jackson were holding hands and play fighting (if you want to call it that). It was cute, almost like a fairy tale. April noticed me watching them so she waved me over too her. I walked over to them and sat down. April covered me with her spare arm. I buried my head into her shoulder as if I was a child, which seemed ironic since I was the oldest out of us. I looked across the fire and gazed at Kendall. I had never felt this way before. Just something about him made me fall harder and harder. But he had a girlfriend, meaning I had no chance. "Hun, maybe things will work out or maybe not, but it will be okay" April said as if she read my mind. I looked at him again and he smiled at me. I smiled back but then burried my head into April. Everyone together all sang along louder and louder.

I was in the car waiting for April and rose to say goodbye to there husbands (😉) as a figure came towards me. I started to panick as I realised it was only Kendall. He came up to the window and I rolled it down. "It was nice meeting you" he said sweetly "yeah you to" I said not want to make eye contact. He stood there pointlessly but it felt nice, "I'll see you at school maybe, umm but have this" he said giving me and piece of paper then running off to his now yelling, barbie doll. I opened the piece of paper 'call me if your ever lonely, I'll have time for you ;)' I read aloud. He put his number on the bottom. I turned red again. I felt bad for his girlfriend but what could I do. April and Rose jumped in the car disturbing my thoughts. "Byeeee" they both called out as the car started and we sped off.

"Cya tomorrow hun!" Rose called out as April sped off down the road. I walked up to the front door and knocked. No reply, "mums probaby asleep" I said quietly. I opened the door and stepped inside. All the lights were on. 'Weird' I thought. "Mum I'm home" I called out. I waited.. No reply. "Mum?" I called again. Still no reply. I walked into the kitchen and saw it. Mum lay there sprawled on the floor, looking almost dead. "MUM!" I screamed and lay down next to her. She was breathing but barley. My heart pounded as I ran to the phone. I dialled 911 with shaky hands. "Hello emergency services, how can I help?" The woman on the other line said so calm, "I NEED TO REPORT AN EMERGENCY, ITS MY MUM! I THINK SHES DIEING".

Hey guys! Sorry for the soppy kinda chapter😜 299 reads.. Wow! Haha thanks everyone. I promise you there will be more action to come so yeah😊 thanks guys. (Ps yes Will Poulter is the new guy so yeah haha)


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