New days

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I was home alone, as usual. Mum has been in and out with treatment over the past weeks. She was having scans today so I had dropped her off and come home. Jackson, Hayden and Kendall all had a game today do I thought me and Rose would go along to watch. April would come, but well since her break up with Jackson she hasn't been herself, also she was away so that gave her space to clear her pretty little head and time with her family. I grabbed my phone and keys as I headed for the door. I wore my black jeans, KendalI's Bulldogs hoodie and some sneakers. My long brown hair neatly in a ponytail. I wondered out of the locked up house, pulled up my hood, re-adjusted my glasses and headed to school.
As I arrived the grounds were full of people in vibrant colours of purple and blue. I walked past many stalls, smells of delicious food filled my nose. I saw I few of my old class mates by but I didn't say anything. "BECCA!" Someone shouted some people staring. I turned around to see Rose. She looked stunning as always. She had her Nike leggings, and Nike hoodie, with her chocolate coloured straight hair hanging over her shoulders. I ran up to her and engulfed her in a tight hug. She had a plastered smile on, flashing her lovely white teeth. "How have you been?!" I questioned still hugging her. She pulled away gently and began walking with our arms connected. "I am good! You?" I smiled at her "I'm good yeah" I said honestly. We found an empty space on the benches and sat down. "How's the whole parents thing going?" I asked cautiously. Rose sighed heavily "well I moved in with Hayden a few weeks ago, I see mum sometimes but it's not that nice, and dad well.. He's long gone" she patted my leg. I felt a pain of worry for her but I knew she was strong. "Rose I'm so sorry.."-" don't be Hun, I'm happy with what I have now so that's all that matters" she said cheerfully flashing a smile. I laughed at her and let the conversation end. The crowd began roaring as the players entered the pitch. We clapped and shouted with everyone as the horn began the game.
It was 9-7 to us in the end. As the games came to an end all the girls ran to the boys, cheering and admiring. The crowds starting filling out in lines miles long. "Hey I have to go meet Hayden at the car but why don't you and Kendall come over tonight for a catch up?" Rise asked as we made our way to the field. "Sure! We would love too" I answered. "Great see you then!" Rose exclaimed gleefully as she hugged me one more time before departing. I noticed Kendall with a group of fan girls. I laughed to myself and slowly walked over to him. As I got closer he noticed me and pushed his way though the masses of girls who were sighing with awe. "How's my girl" he said giving me a small kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. "Good! You played really well by the way" I said kissing his nose. "Only for you" he replied. I felt my cheeks get hot, he chuckled.
"I have to go and get my stuff but I'll meet you at the gate in 5" he smiled and kiss me one more time. He let go and made his way back to the changing room. I watched him go with happiness. I was so lucky to have such an amazing guy. I needed to make my way to the gate so slowly with the crowd I paced out of the field.
10 minutes past. Of course, he was so bad with timing. Should have known Kendall better. I sat on the rock wall, swinging my legs back and fourth. I noticed a small crowd of girls were coming. I put my head down hoping they wouldn't notice me. Unfortunately they did. They were calling my name out. 'How did they know my name?' I thought to myself as they got closer. Then I saw her. Kirsty Mcloud. The richest and meanest girl at school. "Well well, look who it is, it's little Rebecca, all alone" she said pouting as her crew laughed in unison. "Kirsty. And I'm not alone in waiting for Kendall" she smirked in reply and rolled her eyes. "What does he even see in you? Why would he date such a nerd when he could go for someone more like him, which is more like me" she spat spitefully. That made me think. Why did he like me when he could have any girl. I mean she was right, only about the part that I'm not even like him, well really. I hadn't realised I had zoned out while she was ranting on still. "He will dump you soon" Kirsty said evilly. "Girls" a manly voice said interrupting my thoughts on a come back. I glanced back, it was Kendall. Thank god. I sighed and jumped off the wall. Kirsty was playing with her hair, trying to catch his attention but he took no notice. He smiled at them and then began walking down the road, grabbing my hand and squeezing it tight. "What did they say?" He asked concerned. "Nothing" he looked at me doubtfully. "Nothing" I said again smiling.

Hey guys! Wow so it's been ages since I've updated but from now on I shall try my very best to keep this book alive 😊 hope you enjoyed my chapter even tho it is kinda lame! Comment what you think if you'd like, id love to hear what you think 😘

-Holly 💫

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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