Kiss me

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I woke up to a knock on the door. My eyes opened up slightly too see the back of a person, leaving against the wooden door. April was still snoring her head off and Rose was sound asleep like a princess. I also looked at mum, she was so peaceful, so calm. I admired that. I still noticed the black person standing there so I crept up to the door. I opened it up quietly and poked my head around the corner. The hoddied person was gone, "weird" I said frowning, "what are we looking at?" A person said behind me making me jump and slam the door behind me. "Wow you okay there princess?" The person said again. I looked up and saw 2 hazel eyes looking at me intently, "bloody hell Kendall, you scared the jeepers out of me" I said standing upright again. "Jeepers?" He said smirking at me "yeah, I don't like to swear" I said smiling and blushing a bit. He just laughed to himself. He had one hand behind his back which made me curious "what ya got there huh?" I said putting a hand on my hip "oh just a small gift for my little soldier" he said pulling out a small bunch of flowers. They were beautiful, colours of red, blue and pink all mixed together. I smiled at him, "wait little soldier?" I said punching him playfully "yeah, your a strong girl, so like s soldier to me" he said shaking his head downwards and smiling, trying to cover up he was blushing. I grabbed his free hand and intwined it with mine, and my other hand lifted up his face so it was directly at the height of mine. "Kiss me" I said his face inches away from mine. He hesitated but then gently placed his lips on mine. Sparks flew wildly, I pulled him closer to me almost touching. He pulled away and grinned at me, "I think you know now" he said pulling me into a massive hug and spinning me around. I giggled and shrieked as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he put his hands just under me, holding me up. I stared into his eyes, "I love you princess" he said kissing both my cheeks, "I love you too" I said snuggling my head into his neck, kissing it lightly. After a while he put me down and gave me the flowers to take in, "I'd better leave you but I call you again later okay princess?" I nodded "okay" I kissed him one more time and then entered the room, Closing the door behind me. I sighed and looked down at the flowers, "well well well, looks like I have a new lad in my life" a voice croaked "shut up apr-" I looked up, sitting there upright smiling at me wickedly was mum. I burst out crying again putting the flowers down and running over to her, crushing her in a hug "mum! Your okay! Mum I love you so much" I said my mouth moving faster than the words could come out. She shushed me and patted my head softly, I curled up next to her, my head on her stomach, listening to her breathe.

Hey guys sorry for the soppy chapter but isn't love cute😂☺️ anyway school starts soon so I'll keep updating mostly in the weekends but yeah😓 hope your all doing well!


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