Chapter 11: The Minutemen.

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Sophie got out of the building she used to change in, and was now wearing wrist armor, chest armor, a black, and beige sleeveless leotard, black boots, and was carrying a shotgun one of the bandits was carrying.

With all the new stuff she had on, Sophie got into the Museum of Freedom, and shot every bandit inside, while using the V.A.T.S. computer on her Pip-Boy. Once all the bandits in the building were dead, Sophie scavenged everything they had which were their bobby pins, bottle-caps, and of course kept extra bullets from inside the bandit's pockets, and placed them in her storage. A door opened the second Sophie shot the last bandit, and then entered with her husky.

As the two got inside, they spotted the trench coat guy with a bunch of other people. "Man, I don't know who you are, but your timing is impeccable," the guy said. "Preston Garvey. Commonwealth Minutemen." "Minutemen?" Sophie asked. "So now I'm traveling backward in time?" Preston shook his head back and forth at the answer.

"Protect people at a minutes notice," he explained. "That was the idea. So I joined up, wanted to make a difference. And I did, but things fell apart. Now it looks like I'm the only Minuteman left standing." "The world's changed so much," Sophie said. "None of this makes sense." "You all right?" Preston asked. "Listen, we need your help. And then maybe we can help you, huh? What brought you out here?" Sophie tilted her head down remembering the tragedy of her son, and fell on her knees in tears.

"My baby Shaun's been kidnapped," Sophie explained. "He's not even a year old." Preston laid his hand on Sophie's back, to comfort her. "That's messed up," he said. "I'm sorry. I know how this world can be. A month ago there were 20 of us. Yesterday there were 8. Now, we're 5. First it was the Ghouls in Lexington. Now this mess." "Ghouls?" Sophie asked, and stopped crying. "What are Ghouls?" "Wow, you really aren't from around here," Preston answered. "Ghouls are irritated people. Most are just like you, and me. They look pretty messed up, and live a long time, but they're still just people. The one's I'm talking about are different. The radiation's rotted their brains, made them feral. They'll rip you apart, just as soon as look at you." Sophie became horrified.

"Anyway, we figured Concord would be a safe place to settle," Preston explained. "Those Raiders proved us wrong, but we do have one idea." "What is it?" Sophie asked. "Sturges, tell her," Preston said, and a man wearing blue overalls, a white t-shirt, black gloves, boots, and tool belt got off of a terminal, and got ready to explain. "There's a crashed Vertibird up on the roof," he said. "Old school. Pre-war. You might've seen it. Well, looks like one of the passengers left behind a seriously sweet goody. We're talking a full suit of cherry T-45 power armor. Military Issues." Sophie then began to have flashbacks.


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