Chapter: 15

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Chapter 15

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Rick Riordan does.

[A/N: Also, I'm going to try to put the POVs in a different way instead of straight-up writing that.]


There was no simple way to put it. He punched Leo. Hard.

"Ow! What's that for?!"

Jason punched him again.


"How dare you- We thought you were dead! We searched every damn place for you THINKING THAT YOU WERE DEAD! And then you come back all of a sudden AND ACT LIKE IT WAS NOTHING! THIS ISN'T A JOKE VALDEZ! WE ACTUALLY, LEGITIMATELY THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!" Jason was practically screaming by the end of it.

He probably woke up the whole camp, but he didn't care. He was relieved that Leo was back, but he hated how he treated everything as a joke. There was no way he could put in words how horrible he had felt, constantly blaming himself. Then Leo shows up alive, and acts like it was no biggie.

But it was. The amount of sleepless nights and weeks he spent searching for Leo, drowning in his own guilt. There had been no Leo to make stupid jokes and lighten up the mood then.

Leo flinched under Jason's glare. Jason understood he was being unnecessarily harsh but...

As quickly as his anger had come, it left. His cheeks heated up from embarrassment. He should've been happy, yet here he was, yelling at Leo for being alive and coming back to camp safely.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, "I don't know what came to me."

"Hey man, no problem. Everyone gotta express themselves once in a while." 

Jason pulled him into a hug. At the same time he whispered, "Piper is going to literally decapitate you."

"I know and I'm not prepared for it."

As they pulled apart from their classic after-yelling-your-head-off-friendly-hug, Piper chose that moment to ask what was going on, along with the other campers.

"What-" She froze as her eyes settled on Leo. She was scarily silent and still as she examined him.

Jason was tempted to whisper 'prepare to run' but he did not want to die either. That's when Piper's gaze settled on him- she was angry at him too, because he had decided to first yell at Leo and not tell her a single thing.

Both of them locked eyes, making a silent conversation. Leo grabbed the girl's (who had arrived with him) hand and ran, Jason right next to him. He might have asked about the girl but he was too concerned about his life.

"RUN LIKE THE WIND- WAIT GRACE, USE YOUR WIND CONTROLLING POWER!!!" Leo yelled as they ran, knowing for sure Piper was behind them.

"Too spent out from searching for you in the day!"


"Well considering-"

"Stop." Piper's charmspeaking voice entered his ears.

Schist I'm dead, he thought.

Both of them froze, charmspeak controlling them. They turned to look at Piper, and Jason made a mental note to never anger a child of Aphrodite.

Her kaleidoscopic eyes were a combination of a steely grey colour and blue, making her look much scarier than she actually was.

"Leo," Piper said, charmspeak pouring out in her words, "What exactly happened? Tell me every single thing."

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