Chapter: 23

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Chapter 23

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Rick Riordan does.


When Percy woke up, he did not expect to see what he saw. He blinked twice and yawned, rubbing his eyes until they didn't feel like they were cemented together.

"Percy?" Leo said. "You awake finally? Man, you sleep a lot."

His voice shook a bit, and he sounded relieved, as if he'd just escaped an unpleasant conversation. Percy turned to look at him, and he was met with not one person, but two.

He felt the emotion drain out of him as he recognised the second face: Calypso. When he had time to think alone, he knew that it wasn't her fault, but whenever he saw her, he just felt a pit of rage boil inside him: he felt like he couldn't think properly. Whenever he saw her, he just couldn't reason, and the only thought that rang in his head was: this is the person who killed her.

He looked away. "Leo. I just wanna know. Why is she here?"

"I didn't call her here. It was a coincidence." He explained. 

"Coincidences don't just happen."

"Not in our places, it wasn't just a coincidence."

Both him and Calypso said similar things at the same time. He could feel her eyes on her, but he didn't look at her. He didn't want to explode.

"So... what's the next course of action?" Percy asked, trying to ignore the tension in the air.

"Well, um- maybe- I was thinking..." Leo faltered. "I have no idea." The last part came out silently.

Percy noticed the way his hands were tapping on the ground. Not in the normal way he did, it was more of an anxious action. He wouldn't meet his eyes.

"You're lying," he deadpanned. "I'm not a freaking dinosaur that's gonna kill you. Just tell me what you're thinking."

"I'm not lying, you nitwit. Okay, maybe I have a few ideas, but I still don't know. Firstly though, we need to figure out that, for the love of Aphrodite, why we've met up. It's obvious that it's not a coincidence."

Percy opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Calypso's soft voice. "I saw two weird things happen recently. One, another prophecy–"

His head shot towards her, but for once, he didn't feel anger. "There can't be two prophecies at once. You know that. I think everyone here does."

"I'm not- It's weird, basically. All of a sudden, Apollo comes down from his chariot– or car, it doesn't matter– with his eyes glowing green. It's like Delphi possessed him instead of Rachel."

"Could it be the same prophecy continued? Like, something stopped the prophecy from being told the first time?" Leo suggested.

Percy shook his head, "It could be the same prophecy, but that would be unnaturally long. My best guess is, there's some new evil god, who's... doing something bad."

"And the award for preciseness goes to.." Leo murmured under his breath.

Percy rolled his eyes. He could sense the mood lighten slightly. Like part of a weight had been lifted off him– even though it was still there, it was lighter. Much lighter. 

"Wow, thanks for leaving me on read," Leo said, noticing that Percy hadn't said anything.

He looked at him incredulously, "You didn't even send a message, how could I have left it on read?"

"It's an analogy."

"A what?"

Leo shook his head, "And I thought you still had basic knowledge."

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Calypso had gone a few metres away, and was resting her head on a tree, with her eyes closed. He didn't point it out.


Leo slowly reached out for the cylinder shaped piece of metal beside him.

"What's that?" Percy asked curiously.

"A project."

"And the award for preciseness goes to.."

He glared at him, though he was aware that he probably looked like an angry elf. Being intimidating wasn't really his strong point.

"You know-"

"That I look like an angry elf, yes, I know," Leo grumbled. "No need to rub it in."

"I was gonna say that your hands are smoking and melting the metal, but okay, I guess." Percy looked more amused than concerned about his project melting down.

Leo glanced down and realised that Percy was right. "No!"

His hands immediately stopped smoking, and Leo took the metal that now looked like a long piece, rather than a cylindrical one.

"Perseus Jackson, why did you not tell me earlier?"

Percy gave him a look at the name. "I was trying to tell you, but you cut me off-"

"That is not an excuse, Perseus-"

"Can you stop with the name? It's-"

"I know it's getting annoying-"

"It's infuriating, not just-"


"No I'm-"

"Let me-"

"Stop interrupting-"


"Shut up."

Both of them finally shut up. 



[Guys, it's official. School is become stressful. Like seriously, I just had assessments, and two days later, guess what? MORE assessments! AND a surprise test!]

[I feel like the teachers in my school are plotting to kill us all.]

[So, there's some bad news.... One of my stories will be discontinued.]

[I really wanna make it dramatic, but I'm too lazy to hit the 'enter' key so many times, so I'll just say it here.]

[My hunger games fanfic is going to die.]

[It had seriously slow updates anyway. I don't think anyone's gonna miss it XD.]

[Also, just to make stuff clear, the only reason I can't update this story is because I don't have the time. Not because I'm too lazy or have no inspiration anymore.]

[Also, any divergent readers out there who ship Peter and Caleb? 'Cause I know two fanfics in wattpad about the ship. One is a short story, another gets updated every day.]

[I just realised how long this A/N is. Sorry bout that.]


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