Chapter 6

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While Allison and I are walking to the car I tell her, "I hope you don't mind that my best friend Derek is coming with us.  Since, he just got back I want to spend as much time as I can with him.  I also wanted you and him to meet, because I feel like we will be great friends," putting my arm around her shoulder.

"No, I don't mind and I totally understand don't worry.  I think we will be great friends too," Allison replied, smiling at me.

"I'm glad," You reply, smiling at her.  "Hey, do you think I should have told your mom my name?" I asked.

"I'm surprised you didn't, but don't worry she knows who you are.  I've told her all about how you have become my first really friend here," Allison replied.

"So, what you are saying is I'm famous in your household," you reply, laughing.

"Sure," Allison replied, also laughing.

When we reach the car, I sit in the front and Allison in the back seat.  "Der, I'm back did you miss me terribly?" I asked, teasingly.

"Oh yes, I was dying without you," Derek replied, sarcastically.

"Ok, well time for introductions, Derek this is my new friend, Allison.  Allison this is my best friend and partner in crime, Derek," I said, introducing them.

"What crime have we ever committed?" Derek questioned.  "Nice to meet you, Allison and just so you know, you are now stuck with y/n for the rest of your life," Derek said, to Allison.

"Nice to meet you, too and don't worry I know, and she is stuck with me too," Allison replies to him.  Then, we both smiled at each other.  Through out the car ride, the three of us laughed and made jokes, and I am pretty sure we will be a great group of friends.  Now, how can I get Derek to tell Allison that he is a werewolf? (Yes, I am changing her finding out to earlier, so Kate can't trick her).

"Well, here we are.  Do you want me to come give you a ride home?  We can go on a walk to the reserve," I asked Allison, with a smile.

"If it's not a problem for you, then yes.  You can also help me get ready for the party, I am going with Scott, he asked me yesterday," Allison replied.

Before I could answer, Derek said, "It's no problem at all," smiling at her.

"And of course I will help, I might go the party to make sure my brother doesn't get his feelings hurt too," I replied.

"Well, thank you, Derek.  I think we will be good friends you, y/n and I," she replied to Derek.  "Really, well do you want to go together then?" Allison asked.

"I would love, too," I answered.

"Oh, Derek why don't you come too then.  We could all hang out together at the party,"  Allison asked, turning to look at Derek.

"Sure, I'll go, but you better keep those horny teenagers away from me," Derek said, teasingly.

"We sure will, won't we Allison?" I asked, teasingly to Allison.

"Well of course," Allison replied.  "Well, I have to go before I'm late, bye y/n," she said to me, and then I turned around and hugged her.  "Bye, Derek, see you guys later," she said to Derek.

"Bye, have a good day," Derek said.

"Thank you, have a good day, you two," Allison said, waving.

After she left and Derek started the car, I turned to him, looking serious, and said, "Can we tell Allison you're a werewolf?"

"Wait, what?!?!" Derek says, suddenly and the car swerves to the side. (Like the song Swerve: "That's the type of shit that makes me swerve.")

"Well, you've met Allison, and I want her to find out from us, instead of her parents, because they will twist it up, and she will think we betrayed her by not telling her," you said, looking sincere. "I miss having a girl best friend, I miss having someone to talk about boys and having someone that I can talk about everything about, I know I have you, but we both know that you can't be the only one I count on, no matter how much I wish it," you continued, looking down, sounding sincere.

"I know you miss that, and I wish I could be the only one you count on, but you're right, you can't just have me," Derek said, lifting my head with his hand, "So, yes, we can tell Allison about werewolves today if you want," he continued as he put his forehead on mine.

"Thank you so much," you said, smiling and looking at him in the eyes, and then jumped from your seat and hugged him. It was an awkward hug because of the seatbelts, though.  Then, he started the car again and he started driving and I grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

"So, what time do you want to go pick up Allison," Derek asked, brushing his thumb over my fingers.

"At, like 2:10 or 2:00, because classes end at 2:25," I responded, smiling.

"Ok," he replied.  Then, the rest of the drive was calming and soft and then on the radio "Can't Keep My Eyes Off You," by Frank Valli.

I started singing along and dancing point at Derek. He started singing along with me and dancing with one hand while still making sure he was driving safely. "I love you, baby Trust in me when I say oh pretty baby," we both sang. Until the song ended and we were at the station.

"Well, wasn't that fun," you said, smiling and laughing. "I missed this, I missed you," you said, with a smile.

"I missed you, too," he replied, smiling at me.

Then, we both walked into the station with smiles on our faces, and we reached the front desk. "Good morning, is my dad here?" I asked the officer at the desk.

"Yes, he is in his office, he said, to let you go in," the officer replied, smiling at us.

"Ok, thank you," I replied and dragged Derek to dad's office and hugged him.

"Dad, we're here," you dramatically said while opening the door and letting go of Derek's hand.

"Hi, Honey," he said and went to hug me, and I hugged him back, too. "And hello to you too, Derek," he said, turning to Derek and hugging him. "You guys ready?" he asked, both of us as he and Derek let go.

"Yea," Derek said, looking sad. I nodded my head and went to Derek's side and grabbed his arm and his hand.




I hope you like this chapter.  I will try to start updating this more often, but I don't know if I will be able too.  But I will try.

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