Chapter 2

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Then I got a good look at who it was and it was... Dean Winchester


It was...

Derek. He was about to say something else when I said "Derek"

"Yea how do you know me?" Replied Derek confused.

"Derek it's me y/n" I replied and ran to hug him.

After his confusion was gone he hugged back and whispered "y/n is it you"

"Yes omg, I've missed you so much," I said hugging him.

"I've missed you too so much y/n." Replied Derek lifting me a little while hugging me.

"When did you get back? How long are you here for? Why didn't you visit me?" I questioned not wanting to let go with my head buried in his neck.

"I just got here yesterday at night and I didn't want to wake you up so I didn't say anything, I was going to visit you today. I was going right now. I'm moving back here too" Derek replied holding me in the air still hugging me tight with his face buried in my neck too.

"I'm so happy to see you and thank god you're moving back," I replied finally looking up to his face and kissing his cheek.

"Well, what are you doing here?" Derek asked finally putting me down.

"I come here every day just to walk and sit and lay down to think. Want to join me?" I asked Derek holding his hand.

"I would love to," He said smiling and then picking me up and running.

"Derek!! Where are you taking me?" I asked while laughing.

"Somewhere to catch up. Duh." Derek replied while laughing and slowing down at a clearing.

"Well ok, So are you going to tell me why you are here now?" I asked. While opening up the blanket and setting it down on the clearing and starting sitting down and pulling Derek with me.

"The reason I came was that Laura came a week ago and she didn't come back and I was worried about her," Derek said as he was sitting next to me with his head look down at his lap.

"Well did you find her was she ok? Why didn't she come to see me? You should tell-" I was asking until I saw his face that had grief written all over it "Derek! Where is she?"

"She's dead y/n I found her body well half of her body in the woods I'm looking for the other half," Derek said slowly while looking at me.

I broke down crying and he pulled me close to his chest hugging me and whispering words to calm me down. "We have to find the other half," I said determined

"Your dad found her so I'm going to have to talk to him and ask for the other half," Derek replied with our foreheads touching.

"Ok, that's good. Do you know who did it yet?" I asked calming down.

"Well, the Argents are back so that might explain it," Derek replied kind of mad.

"That explains why my new friend's family moved here," I replied staring at his green eyes with our foreheads touching.

"You saw an Argent" Derek replied with anger in his eyes.

"Derek I swear she couldn't have done anything she is still too young to have trained to be a hunter." I said. "and she also still looks innocent so please don't do anything to them," I said pleading him with my eyes.

"Ok, I won't" He replied and then we just sat there staring into each other's eyes for what felt like forever and I didn't want it to end. After some time his head flew up and turned to another direction and said, "Someone's here, come on let's check it out."

"Ok let's go," I responded and got up and got the blanket and he grabbed my hand and I felt electricity go through our arms.

"They're this way." He said pointing to left and we started walking there and then I recognized who it was and it was Scott and Stiles and I facepalmed cause, of course, it's them. "Do you know them?" Derek asked

"Yes and so do you it's Scott and Stiles," I replied shaking my head.

"Want to mess with them?" Derek said and I nodded my head and then he yelled "What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property?"

"Uh I'm sorry I didn't know," Stiles said.

Then laughing I walked out and said, "Yea Stiles this is private property you can't be here without permission."

"y/n what's wrong with you, you should be helping me. What are you even doing here?" Stiles replied.

"Well unlike you I'm always well come here cause of my bestie Derek Hale. Also, I'm always here after school the real question is why are you here?" I questioned.

"We're here cause I lost my inhaler last night when your brother dragged me into the woods to find a dead body" Scott said glaring at Stiles.

"Hey, I'm offended," Stiles exclaimed.

"Hey, Scott," I said and went to hug him and said "We found your inhaler here" handing it to him.

Then I walked away and went to Derek and said, "Well if that's all bye Stiles, this is supposed to be a place to get away from you now byeee love you bro."

"Bye y/n and sureee you love me, bye love you too big sis." He replied walking away.

Then I turned and put my arm through Derek's and my head on his shoulder and started walking back to the clearing and I put the blanket down and Derek and I laid down with my head on Derek chest and his arm around my waist. We talked about our lives and it felt like it used to.

When it was getting dark Derek said "I think it's time for you to go home"

"Yea I do to but you have to come to my house and say hi to my dad and you have to let me see your shift cause I haven't seen it in awhile. Do we have a deal?" I asked with my hand outstretched.

"Deal." He replied and he shifted.

"It still looks as amazing as the first time you showed me it," I said staring into his bright blue eyes.

Then he shifted back to human form and we started walking and then he said, "Let me drive."

"Sure here," I said handing him the keys and walking to the other side of the car and getting in. He started the car and we started driving home when I heard a ding and it was Allison texting me.

The conversation

Allison: Hey, do you think I could come to your house tomorrow at 6 pm.

y/n: Yea sure but why is something wrong.

Allison: Nothing's wrong at least I don't think it's just that my mom and dad don't want me home for some reason. But thanks for letting me come to see you tomorrow in the morning. XOXO

y/n: Yea, no problem. See you tomorrow morning. XOXO

Conversation over.

"Who was that?" Derek asked while looking at my phone.

"That was Allison my new friend asking to come to visit me tomorrow cause her parents want her out of the house. She doesn't know why maybe her parents want to have a date night and don't want her home alone because of all the werewolves." I replied with a teasing voice in the end.

"Haha," Derek replied sarcastically.

"I said yes and don't worry I happen to like a certain werewolf being around me," I replied while kissing his cheek.

"Well thank go for that." Derek deadpanned and kissed my cheek too before getting out of the car and running to my side and opening the door for me and helping me out and then grabbing my backpack.

"Thank you," I said as I grabbed my backpack from him.  

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