Character Information

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I wanted to explain the relationships so that you could get a better understanding of how they interact or interacted I might add more people later on but not yet.

Y/n is the type of popular that knows everyone and talks to them but is only really friends with some because she was hurt by a fake friend. She doesn't like Lydia but she is friendly. After all, she doesn't want to start drama because her brother asked her not to. She hates how people treat her brother so she tries to help him but, she can't always be there to help him but she tries her best.

Y/n and Stiles' relationship is close because when their mother died both of them came together to take care of each and help their father through his grief. They usually have fun banter and sometimes don't agree but they would do anything to protect each other and will always be there for each other.

Y/n and your father's relationship is close because since you're older you've known more about the problems that he has faced. Both of you always try to have each other's backs and try to keep your brother Stiles safe because you both know that if left alone he will get himself in trouble.

Y/n and your mother's relationship was close until she got sick because she stopped remembering you and started thinking of you and Stiles as the monsters in her life because of her sickness. But before she was sick you guys would go cut your hair together and do everything together and when Stiles was born we started doing more activities that Stiles could be included in and dad would join when he could but he was busy sometimes because he is a police officer.

Y/n and Cora Hales' relationship was that of a best friend because they have known each other for a long time and grew up together and they considered each other sister for life. Cora was there when your mother died and tried to help out as much as she could. You used to go and sleepovers at Cora's at least once a week. Until the fire happened and she died and you only had your brother and you realized that the only really real friend that you had was Cora because no one really cared about your hurt like her and you will always miss her because she showed you what a real best friend.  (I haven't decided if I'm going to wait for a few chapters to bring Cora back or wait a long while. Please comment on what you want me to do.)

Y/n and Derek's relationship was that of crushes that always liked each other and it was obvious to everyone but them. They treated each other as best friends because they were scared of sharing their feelings and ruining their friendship but, you truly liked each other. They loved each other even though they thought the other didn't and acted kind of like a couple even though they weren't because they were scared. You would seat next to each other on the bus in the mornings and she would put her head on his shoulder and they were content with that being it. In the end, they never got to express their feelings and it was too late. But can those feelings resurface? Will they finally express their feelings to each other.

Y/n and Laura's was that of a friend but they weren't that close because Laura was so much older than you so they would rarely see each other so they couldn't interact as much but they cared about each other like sisters.

Y/n and Talia's was that of a second mother because when your mom died Talia was there to help you with the things that you needed that your dad couldn't do. Both of you always cared and talked so it hurt everything in your body when she died because you lost 2 maternal figures.

Y/n and Peter's was that of a friend because you would joke around with each other but weren't that close but sometimes when you were sad and you didn't want to talk to anyone he was always there. When he got burned in the fire you went to visit him every day and you still go but now it's once a week because you get busy with school work.

Y/n and Scott's relationship is that of a brother because he has always been their for Stiles.  As years went by you started caring for him a lot and always made sure he had his inhaler and was ok. 

Y/n and Melissa McCall's relationship is that of a mother and daughter because she was their for you after the Hale fire and everything that has happened to you.  You to the hospital to have lunch with her once a week.  She knew about your crush on Derek.

Y/n and Allison's relationship will be best friends and I'll change Allison up a little so, she won't shoot Scott and Derek.

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