Chapter 4

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As we got out of the shock, we decided to buy a meat lovers pizza (and y/f/p (if you don't like meat lovers)). As we waited for Stiles and the pizza, we talked about the funny stories from when we were younger and about Derek's life in New York. "Do you remember the time that Cora and I switched your shampoo for pink paint?" I said, remembering that fun moment.

"Oh my god, yes! My fingers and hair were stained pink for like a week!" Derek replied, laughing.

Your dad also started laughing. Ding! Dong! the doorbell rang, and you got up to grab the pizza since you paid over the phone.

"Stiles!! Pizza's here!" y/n yelled up the stairs. "As you set down the pizza, your brother comes downstairs.

"Y/n, you didn't have to yell. I was coming down the stairs," Stiles said, looking a bit annoyed.

"Well, how would I know that if you took forever to get changed." you shot back to him. As he sits down you, see how tired he is I hope he is doing ok. You move to the kitchen after you receive Allison's text message.

[Text Messages]- Allison              [y/n]

I hit a dog, and I didn't know what to do so, I put him in the trunk of my car.

Don't worry, I will help you.

There is a vet close here, my brother's friend Scott works their I'll give him a call.

Omg, thank you so much, where is it?

[Beacon Hills Veterinarian Hospital address]

Don't worry everything, will be ok I will send him a text that you are coming.

Thank you so much I don't know what I would've done without you.

I'll tell you what happens later.

Don't worry about it.

[Text Messages]- Scott              [y/n]


Are you working today?

Yes, why?

My friend Allison hit a dog, and she is coming to the vet, can you please help her?

Sure don't worry about it.

Thank you so much!

See you tomorrow. Love you, Scotty. <3

Love you too, y/n/n. <3

See you tomorrow

[End of Text Messages]

As you walk back into the living room, you see the three of them laughing about something as you smile.

When they see you, Stiles asks, "Who texted you?"

"Allison, she said she hit a dog. So, I sent her to Scott." y/n replied.

"You do know that Scott has a crush on her, right?" Stiles asked.

"Of course I do, I am not blind," you reply, "He makes it so obvious too," you reply laughing.

You sit down next to Derek sitting, close to him with your arm wrapped around his and your head on his shoulder, and say, "Pass me a slice of pizza."

As he passes you a slice of pizza, he says, "you comfortable," with a smirk.

"Like always," you reply, smirking back. Then, both of you turn back to the others while your dad gives you a knowing look and Stiles completely unaware. You blush and start eating your pizza and ask Stiles, "So, how was your day?"

He talks about how Scott was bitten, by something and the three of you share a knowing look. Then we talk about our days and make jokes like a family.

[Text Messages]- Allison              [y/n]

So, how did you say, you know, Scott?




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