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JUNE 28TH, 9:00pm

chaeyoung felt her body shiver under her fuzzy sweater and jeans. it wasn't common that she went out in the cold. let alone, while it was raining. it wasn't heavy, but just a light mist. it still annoyed chaeyoung.

but lalisa insisted that they go out. she had a goofy grin on her face, her ponytail bouncing up and down as she walked.

"why are we walking in the rain?" chaeyoung grumbled.

"because nighttime walks are fun! and stop whining about the rain, it's barely even drizzling," lalisa replied, playfully flicking chaeyoung's cheek.

chaeyoung huffed and crossed her arms. she wasn't wrong, the streets were prettier at night. the light mist of rain was also comforting.

"i'm kind of cold though.."

lalisa looked over at chaeyoung, who was pouting. lalisa giggled and threw an arm over her shoulder.

"fine, but let's walk a little longer. we can stop at the bakery hoseok works at! i think he's working a night shift today," lalisa said excitedly.

"okay," chaeyoung said with a small smile.

the two walked silently for a few minutes, taking in the calmness of the night. the sidewalks weren't super crowded, but also weren't entirely empty either.

"chaeeeee," lalisa said, looking at the silver haired girl as they walked.


"what would you do with a million dollars?" lalisa asked her, still staring ahead.

"that's so random," chaeyoung said, smiling and shaking her head.

"so?! it's a good question!" lalisa replied, shrugging.

"yeah...let me think..." chaeyoung said slowly.

lalisa hummed in response as chaeyoung thought to herself. after a few seconds, she cleared her throat.

"i would buy a house and save the rest, easy," chaeyoung nodded. there wasn't much else she'd do with that amount of money.

"ooo, smart. i'd do the same. maybe even try to start a business as well," lalisa added.

"a business? that sounds hard."

"yeah, that's true. but then i would make more money," lalisa agreed.

chaeyoung never thought much of her future until now. before she met lalisa, she was positive she wouldn't live past twenty. now, she just wasn't sure.

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