Chapter 1

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She never looked around when she entered a new house. And even though she'd been here once before, she couldn't care less about the interior.

Her lips were aggressively seeking the other pair and she ripped the clothes off of the other woman's body. She pushed the woman on the bed that wasn't hers and started attacking her skin with rough kisses.

Her blonde hairs were tickling the brunette's skin, but the woman ignored it and merely groaned in pleasure.

"Emma.." the brunette panted, before she flipped them over and adjusted their place on the bed. She'd seen the woman naked before, but again she was surprised to see the toned stomach and the muscled arms.

She slid her hands over the pale skin and locked her eyes onto the emerald green ones. They sparkled, but she knew there was a lot of pain behind those eyes.

She saw the impatience on the woman's face and connected their lips again, in a fierce kiss. She sucked Emma's bottom lip between her teeth and the more pressure she used, the louder Emma groaned.

"I'd never seen you as the kind of person who enjoys pain."

"I don't," was the blonde's short reply.

"Then why do you-"

"Regina." Emma flashed her lover a stern, knowing look and the brunette immediately closed her mouth. "I don't talk with my hook-ups," she added.

It was the second time she and Regina slept together and she didn't know anything about the brunette. She wasn't interested in the brunette's life and until now, Regina hadn't asked her anything but her name either.

All she knew about the brunette on top of her, was that her name was Regina and that last time she slept together, Regina had been exactly what she needed.

Emma wasn't into the entire sm scene, like some of her hook-ups had thought. Frankly, that didn't appeal her in the slightest, but she did feel the need to feel more than pleasure.

She needed pain. To help her cope with everything.

Regina had to be rough with her. It wasn't what she enjoyed most or what she wanted most, she needed it most.

Emma arched her back as she felt Regina's fingers thrusting deep inside her. She panted heavily and gripped the bedsheets so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.

"More.." she groaned and she noticed Regina picking up her pace. Emma was drenched with arousal and the sound of Regina's three fingers pumping in the wet mess made her even more turned on.

"More.." she repeated as Regina sucked her nipple. The brunette released the nipple with a plop and examined Emma's face.

"You're quite tight, dear, it's going to hurt."

"More," Emma demanded, ignoring Regina's concerns, and Regina added a fourth finger. A groan of both pain and pleasure escaped her throat.

Regina moved her lips up and continued thrusting her fingers inside Emma. She captured Emma's lips in a searing kiss and grabbed a fistful of hair before she yanked on it.

A slight smirk appeared on Emma's lips and she had her eyes tightly shut. Emma felt herself coming close, but she wouldn't allow herself to come. She repeatedly told herself that she didn't deserve that kind of pleasure.


Emma never found she was good at anything, but every time again she thanked her lucky stars that she was able to wake up early.

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