Ch-1 A Trip To France

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It was like any other day in Volterra, Italy.

As in the Volturi Castle.

Every morning, the trials for vampires began. It would be about nomads who hunted near the city, creator's of immortal children, vampires who had exposed themselves and therefore exposed their own kind.

Aro will begin the trial. Jane will torture them into telling the truth. Caius will always want an execution while Marcus was just bored. When found guilty, Felix and Demetri will do the honors of ripping their heads off.

There would be no plea.

So if you were brought to the Volturi for a crime, don't expect to be easily pardoned.

Then later into the afternoon, Heidi would bring her new wave of tourists for them all to feed. Human servants would clean up the mess.

In the night, the kings were left to own devices. Aro would research more about their kind and plan attacks. Caius would be in his room painting. Marcus would be reading novels on and on.

This continued till the next morning when it was time for the trials again.

Today, was just like any ordinary day for the Volturi.

Aro leading the trials while everyone else watched.

The first case today was of Maximilio Salvatore. A newborn who had hunted in their territory.

"Please! If I had known! I-I wouldn't have done it!" He begged as Felix and Demetri held him by the arms refraining him from moving.

Aro, smiled at the poor little newborn as he squirmed in their arms."You are a newborn, so I will make it quick." He said as he wrapped his arms around his neck.


Aro paused.

"Geraltine?" He whispered and a ghostly smile appeared on his face. "Geraltine....Geraltine....Geraltine!" He repeated and burst out laughing.

"That cunning fox!" Caius snarled at he got up from his throne and sped to Maximilio and glowered into his eyes.

"Why did she ask you to?" Marcus, who acted a bit more calm and collected asked the man.

"She...she said...."

"OUT WITH IT!" Caius bellowed.

The man just sobbed.

"JANE!" Aro ordered gesturing to the cowardly newborn.

"Yes, master." She replied and stood infront of him. "This will hurt just a bit." She slowly smirked.


He screamed writhing in pain.


Aro held his hand up and Jane stopped and bowed at him and stepped back to her place beside Alec.

"A rebellion." Caius scoffed. "If she wants to die, she could've just come here."

"Felix, Jane, take him into the dungeons. Get every piece of information from him." Aro said as he touched his cheek. "In any way you can."

"NO! I TOLD YOU EVERYTHING!" He pleaded as he was dragged away by Felix.

After he was gone, Marcus got up from his throne and asked Aro. "How did you not see Geraltine in his mind?"

"He is gifted....Seems he can control what we can see in his mind. Not that special. But still valuable." Aro explained.

"What do we do, now that Ms. Burnwood has made her appearance in a thousand years?" Caius asked.

"We'll have to arrange a welcoming surprise, of course!" Aro clapped excitedly.

"It's been a while since we vacationed anywhere."

"It would be marvellous to start in the French countryside." Aro smiled.


That same night, the kings and members of the guard, primarily Jane, Alec, Felix, Demetri gathered in their study.

The reason was none of them knew who, the mysterious Geraltine Burnwood was.

"Geraltine Burnwood was a member of our Coven. She was one of the founders among the three of us and Athenodora and later Sulpicia." Aro started to explain while Marus and Caius where skimming through old books.

"She was a free spirit. Close friend to all of our late wives. She ruled with just though only for a short time. She found our ways destructive and demanding.

One day, we had an argument. Geraltine's mate, Cassius was killed by the Romanian Coven. She wanted to go for revenge but our forces weren't strong enough. Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme sided with her.

We concluded there would be no attack on them. She was in rage and the next day she was gone. Our wives and a few of our old guard went to find her only to......end up dead weeks later."

Marcus sighed and pretended not to hear his words while Caius clenched his fists so hard that cracks started to form.

Aro continued. "The next thing we know, Geraltine led an attack on us with the Romanian Coven. We won...but not without casualties.

Vladmir, Stephan and her got out of the siege and we have never heard of her since. Until now." His face darkened.

"Master, if I may." Jane asked to speak and Aro nodded.

"After...questioning our prisoner, we found out that he was approached by Geraltine, Vladmir and Stephan. He was sent here to us so that we would accept him as a member of our guard. He agreed to exchange information about us to them."

"He is useful. In time, I will ask Chelsea to make him loyal to us." Aro said.

"Did he tell you where they met?" Marcus asked as he placed a stack of old books that belonged to Geraltine. They didn't know why but they kept all of her documentations so far.

"In the border between France and Germany. In Thionville." She answered. Thionville was a small town in the Northeast French countryside.

"Then that is where we will be going then." Caius said as he burned holes in Geraltine's books with his glare.

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