Ch-99 Winter And A Whisper

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Where there was once pale, dead grass, there is now endless rolling hills of crystal, the trees look thin, like bare dancers, twisting up from the cold ground, adorned with decadent ivory jewels.

As more snow collects on the landscape, a hush falls over the entirety of Obscuros, the snows stayed mute as it let the Ravens soaring above cry in harmony.

The moon too seemed to show it's happiness, the gleaming glistening light parted through the clouds, the crystals on the trees shining like a thousand diamonds.

Of course it wasn't the moon nor the Ravens in glee, Alicia was dragging the sulking Carina out of the palace, with the trio and the twins following them, one couldn't certainly forget Aro who smiled listening to Carina making up excuses.

"It's just winter! I've seen it a thousand times! Besides, it's cold!" The pale haired woman complained but the pixie wasn't buying it at all.

"The winter here is magical than anything, not the one's you've seen, and you and I both know that the cold doesn't effect you one bit."

Carina groaned, then looking at Aro, her eyes pleaded with him. Aro shook his head and mouthed a 'sorry' in response, she glared at him, Aro's words didn't match the grinning expression on his face.

"I will kill you." She mouthed, threateningly, turning back to Alicia with a huff.


"'s not that bad." Korashia shrugged, Alicia looked at her offended with a guffaw.

"Not bad?! I'm sure you're winters in Volterra are quite boring." She barked, Matteo couldn't believe the amount of anger that someone so tiny could hold it in other than Korashia of course, but even she was taller than Alicia.

"Now, that is true." He agreed and the pixie blew a raspberry at Korashia who snorted, shaking her head muttering something in Hindi, or that is what he thought.

"We're here!" Alicia squealed, shoving Carina forward.

"It's just a bloody snow..."

Aro watched with a smirk as Carina mouth shot out, gaping as she took in the sight of the snowfalling night, the stars and moon illuminating the crystal covered pines looking like gems only worthy of gods.

It wasn't just Carina either, Matteo and Geraltine were also in awe, Korashia just raised her eyebrows looking impressed, Janae and Aleric had seen the same winter so much, though even they had to admit something was special this time around.

"Come on!" Alicia grabbed Carina dragging her towards the thick snow, she could only look helplessly look at Aro who was having the show of his watching her.

"Do you know how to make a snowball?" Alicia asked.

"Of course I do." Carina scoffed, gathering a small pile of snow, shaping it into a ball with parted lips praying that it doesn't crumble under her warm hands.

It seems as if Alicia's question was a distraction, Carina was blinded by snow hitting her face, as she fell losing her balance landing face first on the snow.

Shocked, she pulled a white strand of hair out of her face looking up at Alicia who was laughing so hardly, clutching her stomach in pain.

"You brat!" Carina yelled, from the ground, she aimed and threw the snowball at Alicia watching as it went flying over to the pixie but she dodged it in the last second, missing her target it shot even farther, Carina bit her lip in anticipation and squealed when it the second person she wanted revenge on.

Matteo burst out laughing, not caring of his manners or of Janae or Aleric who themselves were also trying hard to keep straight faces, Geraltine openly laughed along with him, he glanced at Korashia who still wasn't smiling, he had never seen her smile in all the time he's ever known her.

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