Ch-31 A Grim Tale

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Geraltine stood near the door inspecting the once beautiful room that was now laying trashed.

Shards of glass lay on the floor from the mirror which she may have broke. Books and clothes were torn and sprawled.

Her violin was somehow unscathed as it was sitting in its prestigious place in the corner of the room.

"Have you eaten, Cela?" Geraltine asked as she picked up pieces of broken glass on the floor.

Celine was sitting on the bed fiddling nervously with her thumbs. "No, I'm not hungry."

She sighed. The girl was too stubborn for her own good. "I'm calling Jane."

Celine went to protest but Geraltine gave her a stern look. The one that only a parent can give and the kid has no choice but to obey.

"Fine." Celine mumbled before letting her back fall on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Geraltine opened the door to call Jane or Alec but to her surprise they were standing there expectantly looking at her.

"She needs to eat. I need some blood bags too." She said curtly to the twins and Matteo who lingered behind them.

Jane nodded and sped off. Alex tried to peer through the door to look at his mother but Geraltine stood infront of the door blocking his view.

The girl returned with a tray of pasta with sauce and ravioli with boiled eggs on the side along with two blood bags for Geraltine.

It was out of pure convenience that she switched to animal blood and now seeing human blood made her feel very thirsty.

She took it and closed the door and the three guards sighed wanting to catch another glimpse of their mother and Queen.

Geraltine walked to Celine's bed and set the tray on the nightstand. She pulled her up by the arms and Celine groaned.

"You need to eat, Cela." She chastised and placed the tray on her lap while the vampire ripped a small hole in the bags and gulped it down quickly.

Celine played with her fork and spoon and occasionally took a few nibbles and that turned into full sized bites as her hunger made its arrival.

"Talk to me." Geraltine said placing a hand on her shoulder.

With food in her mouth, she started to say something and the vampire let out a chuckle.

"After you swallow." She clarified with a smile. Celine was still childish sometimes and she was glad.

"Before I say anything, I want you to tell me everything. Your life before you found me." Celine said staring into her eyes.

"This may upset you. Are you sure?" Geraltine asked sighing.

Celine nodded. "People have been keeping secrets from me for all my life. You, Aro, Caius and Marcus and entire Guard. I'm tired of it. I want to know."

Geraltine sighed and began knowing there was no use in trying to avoid it.

"I was born around 1500 BCE. Sometime before the kings were born, I don't remember much of my human life like most vampires. I was maybe thirty or so when vampires attacked my village and some of the villagers including my husband and I were turned."

Celine furrowed her eyebrows. "Your husband. Doesn't that make him my father? Where is he?"

Geraltine smiled sadly. "As I was saying, we were turned. Unlike the kings and their wives, Cassius was my true mate.

There weren't many covens established then, we were nomads travelling all over the world for centuries until we came across Aro, Caius and Marcus.

We got along quite well, I was even closer with Aro and Caius' wives Sulpicia and Athenodora. Marcus later married Aro's sister Didyme."

Celine had a look of jealousy on her face and Geraltine didn't know what to think of it. Though Celine realized they weren't true mates or anything, she still felt a little pinch in her heart.

"Where are they now?" She muttered sourly.

"They had plans of creating their own coven of powerful and gifted vampires, between Aro, Marcus, Cassius and I, we all had gifts. Cassius had the ability to stop time and control it. That was very valuable.

So we formed the Volturi, I ruled beside the three of them and Cassius was the General. Our numbers grew and we were more powerful.

The Romanian coven were the rulers back then and we led a siege against them and took their place. We were somewhat like vampire royalty. We created laws and orders to ensure peace and to keep our kind hidden.

It was all well....until...." Geraltine stopped, her eyes held sadness as she avoided her gaze.

Celine set her tray aside and hugged her mother rubbing her back. "It's alright." She whispered.

"One day, we sent out Cassius along with a few members to Romania to check if they weren't rebuilding anything.

We didn't get any message or means of correspondence from them. Weeks later, a member returned. He was scared and wouldn't speak.

Aro...took his hand to see through his memories....

He said he saw Cassius...being tortured for many days before they killed him."

Geraltine whimpered and Celine felt so sad for her. "Tell me about him."

"In many ways he reminded me of you. He was always happy and positive unlike most vampires and chose to live life to the fullest for his second chance.

He loved music too, played the fiddle and the flute. So curious about things, so kind and gentle but fierce and brave when the people he loved where in danger.

You are just like him only different in appearance."

Celine could only imagine the pain she had to go through. It doesn't matter how bad her conflict was with her mates but if something happened to any of them.....

"What happened after?"

"I was so enraged. I wanted nothing more than revenge for him. I spent days trying to convince Aro and everyone else to retaliate. Sulpicia, Athenodora and Didyme were on my side but in the end Aro decided not to do anything.

I couldn't stay there anymore sitting simply while the killers of my mate were walking around freely. I left the next day after the verdict.

I went to Romania for my vengeance. I found Vladmir and Stephan, the two men who killed him, or so I thought."

Geraltine then smiled in a way that Celine thought was sardonic and acidic in a way.

"Turns out. Aro lied."

Celine's head shot up and look at her confused and expectantly.

"What do you mean?"

"The Volturi killed Cassius."


Thoughts on Geraltine and her story?

Do you think she is telling the truth?

Or is she lying like the cunning fox Caius described her as?

What of her and Cassius?

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