New day

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Freddy POV

Everything hurt.

Last nights shocks were as painful as ever.
Nothing different. I always got shocked.
The reasons differed. It could be from my performance to my jokes to even my voice in general. Not my fault I stutter a lot.

From what I remember I've always had this problem. From the moment I came out of the workshop I've always had a stutter.

But the workers never tried to fix it. All they do is shock me multiple times.

Let's just say that they don't help much.

On a positive note I can see the kids today.
It's been a few days sense the last party I was at. Kids always brighten my days. Making them happy and seeing them smile and laugh really helps me forget about the shocks.

Our boss is currently setting up the decorations for the party. We each got our own room with different color lights. My lights were purple with some pink.

I could barely contain my excitement. I was shaking and looking around. Looking at the empty tables to the door to my room which is closed.


I froze as the boss yelled at me to keep still. I lowered my ears as my face plates shook in fear. I'm probably gonna get a few shocks for that.

Once the boss was done with my room he went next door to Ballora's room to my right. I just stood there on my stage with my thoughts.

Don't think about it Freddy. Just think about the kids. Think about jokes, laughter, and smiles.

"You're getting better at hiding your emotions Freddy"

The small voice took me out of my thoughts as I looked to my right arm to see Bonbon awake. My thoughts must have woken her up.

" S-sorry Bo-n bon." She is usually asleep until the party starts.

"It's okay Freddy I've been awake for a while now. I just didn't want the boss to notice."

My eyes widen at the speaking of our boss. Bonbon does not get shocked but she still gets punished if she does anything wrong. It's usually my fault because she is attached to me. I try my best to not move my right arm when the boss is around in fear of Bonbon getting hurt.

"Freddy you're mind is going crazy again!"

I shook my head at Bonbons voice. I wanted to apologize but when I looked at her I could tell that she already knew.

The next couple of minutes went by without a word spoken from either of us. Then the boss walked into the room and walked up to me.

Bonbon could feel my body tense up as the man walked up to the front of the stage. I stood still looking forward, trying to ignore the boss as he looked at us with a twisted grin.

"Maybe you'll finally do what you were made to do."

The man spoke to me with a hint of mischievousness which shook me to the core of my endoskeleton. I tried not to move or even look at the man as he continued to speak about my purpose.

The reason I was created and what I must do.

What I must do to those poor kids.

I hated it. I hate hurting kids. Those innocent children. The ones who's smiles heal the shocked wounds I got the night before.

I've only hurt a handful of kids.

The boss will walk into my room with a young child and put them in my storage tank and told me to lock it. The child will cry and beg but I could not do anything. It hurt me and I'll apologize and try to cheer them up by telling jokes but that just seem to make the situation worse.

I hated seeing such a thing to the point where I even refused to open my tank or I'll release the child when the boss left.

But of course I got shocked for doing that.

I refused so much and I got shocked so often that I could not even preform which drove me crazy. If I did not have Bonbon I don't know what I'd do or what I would have done.

Once the boss stopped talking he walked towards his office and shut the door.
I looked at the clock to see that it was 8:50, just a few more minutes til the place is open.

"I'm guessing you did not know what the boss said."

I looked at Bonbon and lifted my left eyebrow in question. What was he saying? I blanked out when he started going on about my "purpose".

"Figures, I know you hate it when he talks about that."

I nodded and waited for her to continue.
She looked away as her ears fell slightly in sorrow. I think I knew what that meant but I wanted to be wrong.

"He said that he'll give us one last shot or"

She paused as she played with her paws and looked at the floor of the stage.

"He was gonna scrap us"

Okay guys here's the first chapter
I'm not good at making long chapters so I'm sorry about that
I have a lot planned for this story
Tell me who's you like to see in here and I'll try to include them
Anyway see you next chapter

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