I've got you

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Nikolai POV

While sitting on the sofa in Flynn's living room, I watched hocus pocus as it was the only decent thing on. My handsome boyfriend was cooking for me since I can't cook for shit. That was until the door was knocked.

"I'll get it." I called out. I stood up and went to the door, only to open it and see Lyla stood there with a small dress on and a smirk on her face.

"Is Flynn here?" She asked me with an evil smirk on her face.

"Babe who is it?" Flynn came out of the kitchen and to my side. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He glared at her.

"I thought we could hang out." Lyla looked Flynn up and down. Tears stung my eyes with a lump in my throat from all the shit that she did to me, it all came back. Every single hit, every forced kiss, every time she forced me to have sex with her but I made her stop.

"That ended ages ago. Leave Lyla, don't fucking come back." My boyfriend spat out.

"Oh come on. You weren't serious about that were you? I can do so much more than this piece of shit who can't even have sex properly." She walked up to Flynn and tried to kiss him.

"No Lyla." He pushed her off him. "Get out of here, you're no longer welcome at my house."

"Fine." She huffed and walked off. A few stray tears fell down my cheeks but I wiped them away before Flynn could see.

"I need to go." I mumbled and went up to his room. I grabbed my bag and slipped my shoes on then walked back downstairs. Flynn stood by the front door with his arms crossed over his chest, letting his muscles bulge out.

"You're not leaving this house Nicky." Flynn said lowly.

"Let me go please." I sniffled not wanting him to see me like this.

"No." He growled. "Lyla means nothing to me, she didn't then doesn't now. You're not leaving because she came here looking for a hook up."

"That's not why I want to leave." I cried out. "You don't know what she did to me, to me Flynn. This has nothing to do with you at all. Frankly I don't give a shit what she did with you. I just want my dad." I sobbed.

"Let me comfort you. Let me in, tell me what she did. I need to know Nicky, just tell me, let me make you feel better." Flynn sighed and moved towards me.

"No." I shook my head. "I just want my dad." I walked past him and out of the house. I ignored Flynn's calls for me to come back, all I needed was my dads comfort. So, I called him.

"Hey mate, what's up?" He answered.

"C-can y-you come p-pick me up." I hiccuped and sobbed down the phone.

"Where are you?" My dad asked. I could tell he became worried and was rushing to get his car keys and coat.

"I-I don't know." I sniffled. "I'm at Moore avenue."

"Alright, hang tight ok. I'll be there in a minute." He said then hung up. I sat on the curb with my face buried in my knees. Within minutes, a car pulled up next to me and my dad got out. He didn't hesitate to pull me to his chest where I cried harder.

Every day I'd cry on my dads shoulder from what Lyla did to me. He'd be there to comfort me, to tell me everything will be ok and that he's got me, nothing and no one will hurt me while he's there. But he can't stop things from happening at school.

"It's ok baby boy, I've got you." My dad told me softly while stroking my hair. After a few minutes, he lead me to the car and sat me in the passenger side before walking to the drivers seat.

"Want to tell me why you want to come home twelve hours earlier than you're supposed to on a sleepover?"

"Lyla showed up." My voice croaky and dry from all the crying. "They used to be fuck buddies."

"I thought Flynn was gay?" My dad rolled his eyes while driving. "Like gay gay, as in no girls at all."

"So did I." I mumbled. We finally got back home and I went straight to my room.

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