This is your fault

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Flynn POV

As soon as Nikolai left the atrium, the room was immediately full of whispers about what just happened. One by one, tears fell down my cheeks as I looked into thin air where my fiancé once stood.

"Flynn, I only did what was right." Lyla stated but I could see hatred in her eyes whenever she spoke about Nikolai. My Nikolai was far from what she told me that night at the bar. I should have read her mind to know she was lying and saved Nikolai all this heartache.

"Shut up Lyla. All you've caused is problems for Nikolai since you were twelve. Fuck off and stay out of their lives." Lexi spat out. Lyla rolled her eyes. "It's your fault anyway. Just stay out of peoples business because it sure as hell doesn't concern you."

"Give over Lexi." Lyla scoffed.

"She's right. Fuck off, I've told you to stay away from me and Nikolai. You need to grow the fuck up and leave us alone." I growled.

She let out a scream of frustration then walked away. Only then did I look at Lexi, Brandon, Spencer and Hayley to see them all glaring at me.

"You should get prepared for what Eli will do to you. You hurt and lied to that poor boy who has been through enough in his life." Lexi spat out while tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I was going to tell him, I just didn't know how to." I sobbed.

"We don't need the excuses, Flynn." Hayley snapped at me. "That's my best friend you just hurt. You don't get the chance to talk to him ever again, you don't get that chance to face him again. You don't get that privilege to see him anymore because you can't seem to tell him the truth. Like Lexi said, Nikolai has been through enough in his life. You know why?" She yelled. "He lost a parent, he was beat sometimes black and blue by Lyla and now you. You fucking used him and not only lie to him, but you broke that last little thread that held hope for decent relationships for him ever again. Lyla beat him and you lied, Nikolai will forever go on not having anyone because of you and Lyla. Congratu-fucking-lations Flynn, you fucked up my best friend."

With that, Hayley walked away with Spencer following. Lexi and Brandon sighed before trailing after the couple.

"FUCK!" I yelled and punched a table breaking it in half. After that, I stormed out of the atrium and school. The need to hold and talk to Nikolai was so strong that I had to force myself to my house and not go straight to him.

"Flynn? Is that you?" That voice that haunts me. My 'fiancé' from Poland.

"Get the fuck out of my house Jakub." I growled deeply.

"Why are you angry and crying?" He held my face in his hands. "Let me relax you."

"Get the fuck away from me." I pushed him away. "We broke up years ago. Why do you insist that we are still together. Lyla ruined my relationship with my fiancé because of you. We didn't even get engaged, you just assume that because you're obsessed with me. Get it in your thick fucking head I'm not yours, I'm someone else's. I will never be yours again. Because unlike my actual fiancé I didn't use him. I used you to pass the time, so get your arse back to Poland and stay there away from me. This is why I moved here, because you can't stay the fuck away from me. Get the fuck out of my house Jakub and stay the fuck away from me."

"You don't mean that. You love me remember?" He tried to get close to me again.

"No I don't. I never have, never will and never once have I said I loved you. You were just some whole to stick my dick in because you wanted it as well. Go away and never come back." I shouted.

"Fuck you Flynn." Jakub spat out then left my house. Yet the door didn't shut. Thinking Jakub was still there, I turned around only to have a punch landed on my face making me fall to the floor.

When I looked up I saw Eli stood there with red eyes and a face of murder.

"Go ahead. Beat me, please. It's better to feel this pain than the pain of losing Nicky." I cried. Blow after blow, I was punched by Eli.

After a while, he stopped and helped me up. My head spun but I knew I'd heal by tomorrow morning. He pushed me into the living room where I sat down and him in an armchair. I sat down forward with my hands by my mouth as I let the tears fall freely with Eli looking at me.

"What did I tell you? What did I say would happen if you hurt my son." Eli growled deeply making the walls shake.

"You'd hurt me." I mumbled.

"And you got that. Now tell me why the fuck my little boy is at home crying his eyes out with Darren?"

"Lyla happened. Before I joined Halledale, I met Lyla in a bar. She told me that she was beat by her boyfriend and she wanted me to go to that school and beat him for her." I explained. "Lyla told me that Nikolai was taller than most, muscular and is a womaniser. But then I met Nicky, he was far from how she described him to me. Being gay I found him very attractive and immediately wanted him. So I ignored Lyla and started something with Nicky because he makes me better, he makes me happy, yet happy is not the word I would use because happy doesn't describe what I feel towards that boy. Hell I was close to taking him to the court house this weekend and saying a big fuck you to everyone and elope. I need Nikolai in my life because I can't live without him, he's the only reason I go on, and now I've lost him."

"Who was that guy coming from the house?" Eli asked, sounding more calm than before.

"An old fuck buddy. I travelled and met him in Poland where we fucked around a lot. I told him we were in a relationship just to get in his pants. I 'broke up' with him four years ago and came to England. But for some fucked up reason he still thought we were in a relationship and engaged, Lyla somehow found him and used it against me. Nikolai was told, threw the ring at me and walked away. We're not together anymore." I sighed with tears still coming down my cheeks.

"For now, stay away." Eli mumbled. "Wait until Nicky comes to you and wants to talk to you. Inside and outside of school because he will ignore you. He's fragile but knows when he has to stick up for himself because of people like Lyla. I can't guarantee it'll be soon, but I know you and Nikolai will have something again. That trust will be there. You've just got to wait."

"How do you know? You sound really sure of yourself." I looked at him.

"Because I know my son. And he's so much like his passed on father. He loves you more than anyone or anything I have seen. He'll be back, it's just a waiting game."

Eli stood up and patted my shoulder before leaving my house.

"One more thing." He said. "Nice house." And in a blink of an eye, Eli was gone. Once again leaving me in this empty house.

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