The beach

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Nikolai POV

Instead of going home like we planned to do, Flynn and I decided to go to the beach instead. We were getting to know each other better and I told him that my favourite spot to calm down is the beach. And the one we have close to is a sandy beach so that's a bonus.

When Flynn parked the car, we both got out taking our shoes and socks off. Part of the car park was the sand so we could leave our shoes in the car while we walk in the water. Soon enough, we were both walking along the shore with our feet in the water hand in hand.

Nothing was said between us because there was nothing to say. We both pretty much new everything about each other during the car ride to the beach, so what more could be said. Nothing romantic or cheesy because we haven't even known each other that much.

"You're really small." Flynn chuckled and stopped walking. I turned to him rolling my eyes with a smile.

"Yeah I know. Dad says I take after my other dad but I have my dads eyes and hair colour. Well, kind of a mixture of hair colour since my dad has black, my other one was blonde and I have dark brown but you get it." I laughed nervously when I realised I was rambling on. Oops.

"It's ok, I think it's cute when you ramble. But you're way cuter." He smiled softly and pulled me to his chest with his hands on my hips. I let my arms hang over his shoulders with my fingers buried in his hair.

"It's not cute, it's embarrassing. And I'm far from cute. I'm hot." I winked at him.

"That, I can't deny. But I can't deny that you're cute either, so you're both. Actually you're cute, hot, adorable, Bitchy." Flynn chuckled.

"How am I bitchy? I think you're the bitchy one in this relationship." I laughed but both of our faces fell when we realised what I said. Relationship.

"You want a relationship?" Flynn looked very serious and upset.

"Sorry, i-it slipped. I get that you're a player and all that and only want one thing I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I understand that this is all just fun and games-," I rambled until I was cut off by Flynn's lips on mine.

"I want that to." He said after he pulled away after a while. "I just didn't know how to tell you, or how to ask you. I had this thing in mind and I was going to ask Lexi and Hayley to help me set it up with-, what?" Flynn smiled nervously when he saw me trying to hold back a laugh.

"Look who's rambling now." I smiled.

"Sorry." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"No, it's ok. I think it's cute." I used his words.

"You little- come here." Flynn picked me up and spun me around. I squealed and held on to him while laughing. This makes me happy, something I haven't felt in a fucking long time.

Since Lyla turned up, and that was five years ago. I know, since we were twelve she's been hitting me so it's been a while. A long while since I've smiled or laughed genuinely. It feels good to have that again.

"She won't hurt you again. No one will, not even myself. I won't let anyone or myself hurt you mentally or physically. Trust me, I like you a lot Nicky. I want you to be my boyfriend. So will you?" Flynn stated obviously reading my mind.

"Stay out of my head." I hit his shoulder playfully. "And yes, yes I will be your boyfriend."

We both smiled before crashing our lips together. I laughed when Flynn sunk to his knees and pushed me down on my back so I was laid on the sand. He laid between my legs yet kept eye contact with me. No touching or kissing, just looking at me with lots of care in his eyes.

"Can we keep it low?" I asked him. His face fell making me quickly say the next part. "I'm not ashamed, I'm not. I just haven't told anyone, only me, my dad and you know. I need time to really figure this out then tell Lexi, Brandon, Spencer and Hayley. If you don't want to be with me because of it I understand-," once again I was cut off my Flynn's lips on mine.

"I understand." He smiled softly down at me. "We'll carry on the whole facade of not liking each other. Then I'll whisk you away and kiss you passionately that you'll never forget how much I like you."

"I like the sound of that." I smiled and leaned up to kiss him.

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