I do

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Nikolai POV

Here I was. Standing at the door of the court house. Flynn standing inside the room with my dad, Nick, Darren, Spencer, Carl and Wesley. Hayley, Julia, Hannah and Lexi are my bridesmaids while Ophelia a flower girl. My dad, Flynn, Wesley and Darren had invited a few people just to make sure I had the full wedding experience.

My dad, Eli was walking me down the isle after the girls go in. The music started so they went in with Ophelia putting red and white rose petals on the isle floor. When they got to the end, I took a deep, shaky breath.

"It'll be ok. I promise." My dad hugged me before taking my arm. I nodded then took another deep breath before we both started walking down the isle.

I lifted my head up to see my handsome fiancé at the end looking me up and down with a smile. He wore a three piece black tux with a rose on the jacket. I wore the same but with a white rose on my jacket. The only difference was that Flynn had on dress shoes whereas I had on black heels. Curtesy of Lexi of course.

Soon enough, we got to the end where my dad kissed my cheek then gave my hands to Flynn. We both stood by each other holding hands and smiling at one another. Hayley had taken my bouquet which consisted of red, white and yellow roses.

"Here we are today to celebrate the joining of these two people to show their love. Stood with me today is Nikolai Eli Hale and Flynn Harrison Lincoln."
(A/N: idek if I gave Flynn a surname, if not let's just do with this)

"Flynn, please repeat after me..." the marriage officiant told him.

"I, Flynn Harrison Lincoln take you, Nikolai Eli Hale to have and to hold, to worship and cherish, to love in the good and the bad times, I take thee as my husband 'til death do us part." Flynn said shakily as his eyes glossed over looking at me, well I was already crying.

"Nikolai, please repeat after me..." the man stated.

"I, Nikolai Eli Hale take you, Flynn Harrison Lincoln to have and to hold, to worship and cherish, to love in all the good and bad times, I take thee as my husband 'til death do us part." I sniffled.

"Now, for the vows. Flynn."

"Nicky, my angel behind a demon." He smirked. "You will never know what you do to me and the only way I can show you is to tell you I love you every day and do what makes you happy. I will do that because I love you and in return all I ask is that you hold me at night. For many, many years I've been a massive player and couldn't find the right person to settle down with. To marry, to have children with even if it isn't possible for both of us. The years I was without you broke me more than I care to admit. Being without you was the hardest thing I could ever do, to not have you hold me, to not hold you the way I know you love. To not even see you smile, knowing I also brought pain upon you as well which I hate myself for. If someone was to ask me what I love most in this world, I'd tell them nothing. But that's not true anymore, not since the day I met you sitting there drawing whatever it was. With your sarcastic replies, you made the darkness fade and light come back into my life, I will forever be grateful for you and your tiny body. I love you Nikolai, with all my heart and more." 

"Amazing. Nikolai." The man turned to me.

"How can I top that off?" I laughed through my tears. "I guess when we first met I didn't like you. I didn't like the idea of someone new coming into the friend group and hurting me like someone did. Then out of the blue you helped me, even with all the sarcastic replies, the mean comments, all of it, you helped me figure things out that I needed help with. You got me through so many hard times I've had, you also brought light to me to show me that there is love out there I just had to wait for it. It's made me think a lot about my past relationships and how much they've gone wrong, yet you stuck around to show me a whole new world and that it's not all bad. I can't thank you enough for the amazing times we've spent together where I could be myself, where I could be as silly or emotional as I wanted because you'd simply join in or hold me when I needed it most. I'll forever be in debt to you and I'll pay it with my love and forever love you. It may not seem a lot, but it's all I have the will be unconditional. And all I ask in return is that you forever hold me when i need it most and I shall love you. Because I do, I love you to the moon and back."

Sniffles were heard all over the room. Not just from me or Flynn, but the guests, my dad was crying and he never cries(Eli). My other dad was crying as well, same with Wesley, Darren, Spencer and Carl. Of course the girls were crying while Ophelia looked really confused.

"Please bring the rings." The marriage officiant announced. Wesley wiped his eyes and brought up both mine and Flynn's wedding rings.

"So you Flynn Harrison take Nikolai Eli to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Flynn slid the ring on my finger and sent me a cheeky wink.

"Do you, Nikolai Eli, take Flynn Harrison to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I slid on the ring and sent Flynn a wink as well.

"I now pronounce you, mr and mr Lincoln." The man called out. "You may kiss the groom."

"I love you."

"I love you to."

Flynn pulled me to his chest then put his hands on my cheeks not waiting to kiss me. It was hot and heavy making everyone cheer and whistle at us.

I can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with the man. He's the love of my life.

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