We're trying

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Flynn POV

"What did you hear?" Lexi asked me.

"Nothing important." I told her. "Other than you're a demon." I mumbled really quietly to myself, so that Hayley and Spencer couldn't hear.

"How did you know?" Lexi and Brandon snapped their heads to me.

"What?" I pretended to be confused.

"Don't play dumb. We fucking heard you. How. Do. You. Know?" Brandon spat out standing up.

"Know what?" Nikolai sat down again. Fuckkkk, he gets more and more fucking good looking every time I see him. This wasn't how it was supposed to go though.

"Somehow Flynn knows we're demons." Brandon whispered to him.

"You told him? What the fuck? Dads going to kiss us, lucifer is going to fucking demolish us. How could you have told him?" Nikolai whispered yelled at them.

"That's the thing." Lexi started and looked at Brandon. "We didn't tell him."

"How do you know?" He turned to me. Sorry was written in his eyes, something I never wanted to see again. I want Nikolai to trust me, so he can... I can't. It's wrong. I should have told her no.

"Know what?" I played dumb.

"Don't bullshit with us." Brandon growled making his eyes turn red. His demon was surfacing.

"I'm one to." I stated. His eyes turned to their normal colour and he sat down. Confusion was all over their faces including Hayley and Spencer.

HAYLEY AND SPENCER! Shit, did they already know? Off all things unholy, fucking shit. I just said out loud to two humans about the supernatural. I'm hell fucked.

"How did you know we are to? Is there some type of weird power that you have that no one knows about? Come on, fucking spill before I kick your arse to hell and back." Brandon growled.

"Are we just going to ignore that fact that two humans are sat right there?" I gestured to Hayley and Spencer, who looked very unfazed by what they were hearing.

"Uh what?" Hayley raised one eyebrow. "Oh, we already knew about them. Sorry, carry on." She giggled nervously.

"Right." I shook my head confused. "Well, I read your mind." I shrugged.

"That's not possible. There's only three demons with that ability." Nikolai stated.

"I know. Eli Hale, Carl Johnson and someone else who I can never remember." I said.

"When did you die?" Lexi asked me.

"1855I was nineteen years old. Caught in a crossfire between two mafia leaders and their members." I told them.

"How come you didn't go to heaven?" Hayley frowned.

"Do I look that innocent?" I chuckled. "No. I was apart of one of the mafias and killed a lot of people. Men, women and children. Different ages, stole from the poor. Back then you had to do what you needed to survive. I did smuggling at one point then left because someone from the group was caught and hung." Hayley and Spencer's faces fell as well as Nikolai's.

"Yeah, the bloody code. Brutal, I remember them days. Your dad was tried and hung for so many things. Lucifer had to keep him in hell until 1910." Lexi laughed.

"So your dad is Eli Hale? As in little lucifer?" I looked at Nikolai.

"Doesn't matter." He glared at me.

"Just a question, bottom." I winked at him. All of a sudden he lunged at me over the table wrapping his hands around my throat. Squeezing tightly I'm sure my face was turning red. If this kid kills me then I'll just go back to hell and come back.

"Kill me, I'll be back." I sent him another wink. Brandon and Lexi pulled Nikolai off me letting me sit up. My hand rubbed my neck but it didn't faze me that much.

"Don't fucking call me that or wink at me. Don't even talk about my father again or I will kill you for real. I'll make sure you don't get to fucking come back." He spat out and walked away.

For a small boy he's very strong. If I wasn't a dominant then I'd think he would be the dom in the relationship. He's real feisty, me likey very much. It's kind of hard to find a sub anyway because all guys want to be the Dom, but not in my world.

With all the boys I've been with I've made them bottoms. They all came back for this monster cock that they love so much. Don't worry, once a bottom always a bottom. But there was that odd occasion I got a natural submissive which was a win for me.

"What's a bottom?" Spencer asked me.

"Don't worry about it." I breathed out a laugh.

"He's not gay by the way." Hayley stated. "We all think he is but he hasn't had the right person to come along to bring that side of him out. Don't call him names like that when he doesn't even know what he is. And don't, definitely don't talk about his dad."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think." I sighed.

"That's why people say, think before you act." She sighed as well before going in the direction of Nikolai. The bell rang so everyone went to their class, and I went to find Nikolai.

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