Chapter 25

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You know that moment of utter disbelief where you see something and you just know even in a million years it can not be true, I have had those quite a few times, when I lost my brother when Ryan broke up with me, but when I tell you this was the worst believe me I am not lying.

I mean Andrew can not be simply holding something like that, not the Andrew I know, he is kind and caring and would never hurt someone.

So why is he holding a gun??

My subconscious retorts back.

To avoid not making any sound and catch the attention of Andrew or the other guy was not hard, cause I was just standing frozen from the shock of everything. I saw Andrew moving the gun in his hand and looking at it from different angles while the other guy stood in silence.

Andrew then took something out of his pocket and hand it to other guy, it was an envelope, he took it and opened it and from inside he brought out money.


Andrew then pockets the money and I finally gather some courage and decide to walk to him and ask him what the hell is happening here and just as I take a step I am pulled back by someone, my instincts quickly kick in and I raise my arm to attack at the neck of whoever it but my hand stops mid-air when I realize who the person is.

Trevor puts a hand on my mouth so I do not make a sound and nods towards his car. He removes the hand and I walk with him quietly and quickly we sit in his car and he quickly starts driving, I do not ask him what is he doing here? Where is he taking me? And does he know anything about what was happening back there?

I just sit in silence still trying to decipher what I saw with my own eyes. I just look out the window and close my eyes trying to somehow erase everything from my memory I saw but I can not.

It's not easy to run away from reality when it is standing right in front of your eyes.

Andrew stops the car and I look around and see we are parked outside MacDonald. "Let's go inside, we need to talk," Trevor says and opens his side of the door and walks out. I do the same and we walk inside quietly. We grab a table and Trevor sits in front of me. Since its Halloween, so the place is empty and the hilariousness of the situation that I am sitting in a Wonder Woman costume in the middle of a fast-food restaurant dawns on me and I just roll my eyes.

Trevor clears his throat and I look up at him, he stares at me for a minute and then speaks up, "There is something you need to know Emily"
I nod at him to continue and he says sighs and it seems what he is about to me is very hard for him and it makes me worried more.

"You have to believe me that what I am telling you now I could not have told you before cause one you wouldn't have believed me and second I didn't want to bring you into this and hurt you." He says looking at me intently and I just look at him blankly.

He takes the sign and continues," Emily... Brody was working with the NYPD, they have a small group of teenagers which they use in the force to act as insiders or spies.. they put them in gangs to gather information. Your parents knew about this and Brody was very ... he was very good with the job, he worked very well I joined after him cause he convinced me pretty well." As Trevor spoke those I thought that any moment he is just gonna stand up and laugh and say it was a joke.. but he did not.

So I just sat there in shock listening to his words falling on me like a hammer on a nail. My mouth was dry and I felt betrayed.. betrayed by my parents, my brother, and Trevor who never told me a word about all this. I take a deep breath to calm myself down and Trevor continued.

"In August last year, me and Andrew joined up a gang that deals with drug and weapons smuggling, we got in pretty quickly and very deeply. We delivered all the news and all that was needed was proof so that the police could arrest the guys and make a case in court. Brody being perfect at his job got that too, one day when he was driving to get that information delivered to the NYPD he got in the accident, only that it wasn't an accident." Brody says the words slowly making sure I have to process everything but it was not easy it was impossible.

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