Chapter 16

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After getting ice cream Andrew dropped me off at my place but before telling me that I should talk to my parents and apologize for my behavior and even tell them my reasons for not taking the therapy sessions.

My parents were freaked out about where did I went and my mom was crying hysterically and seeing her this way broke me. I apologized to them for my behavior and told them everything.

By the end of everything, I was also crying with my mom and I am sure my dad also cried a little although I know he won't accept it.

We cried for Brody and we promised each other that we will try to fix the cracks in between our family even though we all know that the gap left in our life after his death can not be fulfilled by anything but we still got each other and Brody wouldn't have liked us this way.

My parents agreed on not sending me to therapy sessions but they made me promise that if it ever gets worse I will let them know, I agreed.

It was Monday today means we got to school and as I was walking through the hallway to my locker I smiled and threw a hey and hi here and there to all the people who greeted me.

I was a few steps away from my locker when I saw Andrew leaning against my locker and is texting someone on his phone, his fingers running on the keyboard at a very fast pace. I slowly start taking small steps towards him and once I reach there I clear my throat to gain his attention.

He quickly looks up from his phone with an annoyed expression but once he realizes it is me he gives me a sheepish smile and keeps his phone in his pocket.

"What did I do to get blessed with your presence in the morning before our class?" I ask him to adjust the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

"Well, firstly I thought I should check up on you after yesterday, and secondly I thought why not make your day by blessing you with my presence.." at this smirks and I just roll my eyes but a smile makes its way to my face.

"And thirdly we have something to plan." He says with a smug expression. At this, I raise my eyebrow at him and speak, "What are we doing exactly?"

"The look you give me shortcake shows how much trust you have in me and I swear I am touched." He says placing a hand on his heart and giving me a fake smile.

I roll my eyes at him and say, "Stop being so dramatic, and also it's not my fault you made me do pranks, then going to that spot and those bike rides." I say shrugging shoulders.

"Well, there is more to me shortcake which is better if we keep a secret." He says in a low voice. I look at him with a weird expression and he just winks at me.

"Anyways the thing is Tyler finally decided to man up and ask Ally out to a proper date and then ask her to be his girlfriend."

"WHAAAAATTTT???" I scream loudly with a full-on grin on my face and Andrew just keeps a hand on his ear to protect his ear and his hearing ability from my screaming.

"Geez, woman relax what is with you all girls and getting excited for a friend to getting asked out." He asks me.

"Shut up."

Andrew chuckles and then moves aside from my locker so I can take out my stuff as now we only have ten minutes before our class starts.

"Well, I am happy that Tyler finally decided to do this since by now everyone could see how much they like each other and even Ally was being paranoid now that if Tyler even likes her or no," I speak as I take my stuff out from my locker.

After I close it I turn to Andrew who is still standing beside me and looking at me with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I ask him as I pull a strand of hair behind my ear.

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