Chapter 5 - edited

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"You don't have to answer this, but we were all just wondering how you ended up at Calebs club, a few days ago when we found you?" Alex questioned quietly making Luke and Reggie look up from their songbooks, and Y/n from her journal.

"Pardon?" Y/n asked not being able to understand what he was saying.

"Two days ago, when we found you in Calebs club." He clarified.

"Caleb? I'm sorry, I can't seem to recall the name Caleb. Am I supposed to?" Y/n questioned, Alex now having her full attention.

"No, you're not, I don't know why Alex brought that up." Luke said glaring at Alex getting protective over the girl.

"The place you were at, do you know why you were there?" Alex asks ignoring the glances coming from Luke.

"No, I just remember him saying I did something wrong and that if I didn't help him he would take my bracelet and, well, you guys saw what that did to me." She shyly finishes.

"Look it doesn't matter anymore, your safe now, i promise." Luke smiled trying to shake out his annoyance with Alex.

"Whens Julie coming back? I'm sure Y/n and her would be really good friends!" Reggie said trying to ease the tension in his usual bubbly tone.

"Whose Julie?" The girl asked sweetly excited to possibly make a new friend.

"She's just this girl, she um owns the house." Luke says quietly seeming as if he's ashamed.

"Shouldn't you guys have asked her if it was okay for me to stay here?" The girl asks suddenly nervous that she may be intruding on someone else's home.

"I'm sure she'll be fine with it if Luke asks her really nicely." Reggie teased the boy.

The girl looked over at the three boys trying to read their expressions. Reggie looked quite pleased with himself for coming up with a statement to slightly annoy Luke. Luke on the other hand looked more aggravated rather than sad or annoyed. Alex was sitting on the side looking back between the two similar as to what Y/n was doing, except he was enjoying every interaction that occurred as he tried to stifle a laugh.

"Are you two a thing?" She questioned being the first to speak. Her voice wasn't soft like she was scared to hear the answer, instead it was bright and optimistic. Seeing how Luke got flustered at only Julie's name, she couldn't imagine the heavy blush that would strike his cheeks if Julie were there at that moment. She could imagine the boys bright smile whenever Julie would call for him and how he would act like a lost puppy waiting for a reward, and so she smiled at the thought.

"This should be good." Alex murmured under his breath trying to hide a little laugh.


Luke x Reader (JATP) - barely editing anymoreWhere stories live. Discover now