(Tw: homophobia, sexualised minor (brief mention)) gonna have to reread this

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I should be sleeping but i cant stop thinking about all the weird fucking decisions jackie wilson made with that glass book like 1: if ur writing a book with sexuality and homophobia as a main theme why isnt it from the gay characters perspective  2: if the answer is you dont know what its like to be a boy and to be attracted to boys why didnt you make sylvie bi and have her date miranda

Sylvie and miranda had WAY more chemistry-both platonic and romantic- than her and carl despite the latter pair supposedly being friends their entire lives and the way jackie described both of them leaned heavily in the direction that syvlie found miranda more attractive than carl. Now that can just be chalked up to her being a lesbian and being terrible at making male characters sound appealing but like miranda specifically seeks sylvie out as a friend for no reason and seems keen on hanging out with her which leans into the idea that she has a crush on her and they go on what is effectively a date in all but name at one point. There was no reason to include this if you're also going to add in a paragraph specifically clarifying that sylvie isnt attracted to girls. Sylvie being straight would have been literally fine if it was from carl or even mirandas perspective (assuming the read that miranda has a crush on her is correct) but with neither of those its just like. Ok. Why are we focussing on this character fkekfkkfkdks

Like carl goes through all the angst in this story it should have been his. Whats the point of our POV character just noting something is vaguely up with carl for like half the book before we learn the actual story in a single scene (also the most anticlimactic realisation she has feelings for him possible where he is literally just like 'oh' followed by an awkward silence). Sylvie's issues are irrelevant, her mum has no impact on the story, her mums boyfriend doesnt have any impact on the story, miranda has no real impact on the story since they're just Gals Being Pals™. Also miranda honestly gets done so dirty by the narrative with sylvie repeatedly making comments in her monologue that she doesnt think miranda really cares much about anyone and just sort of wants to be the centre of attention because she's not as dreamy and not-like-other-girls as sylvie and having other characters treat her like an annoying bimbo whore -despite the fact she's 13- that they only keep around because 'i mean she can be alright sometimes i guess but shes not as good as my real friends'. Its really misogynistic and weird. Miranda mimicking adults by trying to look/ act 'sexy' and 'mature' isnt unlike real girls her age and in terms of the actual scenes i cant say they're on any level sexualising her it really does just read like a stupid kid copying shit to look cool- but the way certain characters talk about her and the way she's treated the same in the same misogynistic way in the narrative as an grown woman who did those same things would be is really gross

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