01| Harcelante | 잔소리

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"Hyorin, wake up. I'm not going to repeat myself. You need to do something with your life. Are you even listening to me?" Mrs. Song called from downstairs.

"Five minutes, mother." groaned Hyorin. "No, young lady, you're not going to get another five minutes. It's already 8 a.m." said Mrs. Song.

Splash! Seconds later after she heard footsteps and the creaking of the wooden floorboard, a jug of water came down on her, shivering her to the core.

Almost on the verge of having a mental breakdown, she looked up to see who did the deed. Upon craning her neck, she sees the smug smile of her younger brother. "You are dead meat," she growls as she got off her bed, with her clothes dripping. "I swear, it was dad's idea. I just partook in the activity." cried Hyunjin.

"Doesn't matter. There was no need to give me a shower in my bed," said Hyorin, clearly pissed. "Clearly asking you to wake up was not enough," said Hyunjin with a slight cockiness in his voice.

"Hyunjin, you can't speak to your sister that way." Mr. Song said as he sat on the armchair with his Chosun Ilbo. "As for you, you need to shower, don't you know that we are supposed to drop you off for adoption today?" he said nonchalantly. "Pardon? I think I heard the word adoption somewhere?" said Hyorin, rightfully shocked.

"Adoption? I thought I said college hostel," said Mr. Song, pretending to be confused. "I mean, she'd vibe better with the apes in the gorilla cage but do what you think is right," Hyunjin said from the kitchen.

"You know, that I love you, Hyunjin, that you're a smart kid. But someday, you're going to get smacked, if not anyone then most definitely by me," said Hyorin. "Now if you may, can I go to the bathroom? My bladder won't be able to hold anymore," she said as she ran into the bathroom.

After doing, what needed to be done, she came out wearing her bathrobe. "Mother, May I?" she said as she grabbed the freshly made toast, her mom made.

"Dress up. You need to look presentable. I'm not going to take you out looking like that." said her mother. "I'm not going out looking like that," said Hyo.

She went into her room. Opened her wardrobe. And sat on her bed, browsing through Instagram. "Smash", "Ew, what is this abomination?", "I mean, she looks gorgeous in Everything she wears", "So hot, looking good without makeup is a serious flex". "I don't have anything to wear. Wait, that's not the case, I have clothes but I don't have outfits."

After what seemed like an hour of surfing through the swarm of clothes, she managed to wear a red crop top and distressed jeans with a pride brooch.

"Perfecto," she said.

"How do I look?" she asked as she expected a compliment. "Hmm. Good" said her brother while playing Among Us.

"Psychic, are you? Nevermind, I have a good sense of fashion," said Hyorin as she left his room.

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