05| Professeure | 선생님

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Hyorin woke up, only to see two figures cuddling each other on the other bed. She groaned as she got up.

"Eww, too much love? Can't you guys book a room or something?" she whined as she got herself a glass of water.

"Bold of you to assume that I have money to book a room," said Jinwoo.

"Yo, I have class so I'm heading out," said Hyo as she grabbed an apple, her breakfast. "Wait, we have classes today?" asked Hyemi. "Wait, college is not over?" mocked Jinwoo, receiving a well-earned smack from the female next to him.

She wore a blue crop top and high-waisted pants with earrings to give herself the 'Instagram baddie' look or whatever teenagers call it these days.

Hyo got a Venti chocolate cappuccino on her way to her class. 'Shit! I only got 8 minutes to class. Gotta sprint.' Hyorin thought to herself.

She ran down the hallways as her heels kept clicking, her coffee in one hand, bag in other. From a distance, she could see a woman in a frilly red dress and brown hair running from the other side as she got into the staffroom.

'She has a great body. Is she a teacher or something?' she thought.

'First-class, English. Here we go. Man, do I hate that a-hole Iago from Othello? You bet your entire bank account; I do.' Hyo said to herself.

"Hi kids. Am I late? Sorry. Anyway, let's start with the introductions first. I am M/s. ShinHye Kim but call me Miss Kim. I am going to be your new English teacher. Hope we can make good memories by the end of the semester."

It was the same lady in the frilly red dress. English just got 100 times better for Hyorin. However, the moment she heard the boys talking, she realized that women could also be straight. Most of the boys, if not all, made googly eyes at the teacher. 'Hormonal teenagers' she thought.

Back to the teacher, Hyorin thought she was the prettiest human being. She had never seen lips as full as hers before. They were perfect. She gulped down the thirst and observed the rest of her.

Her hair was brown with caramel highlights, which cascaded down her shoulders and reached right above her hips.

She could make out a dangly earring and a stud on her left ear and a rhinestone-studded earring on the other one.

Her cheekbones were so high that Mt. Everest would cover itself in shame, at the same time, she had adorable puffy cheeks that'd make Agnes' unicorn melt. Together it creates a lethal innocent-yet-sexy aura.

"You have to introduce yourself, young lady. I can't read minds now, can I?" said the goddess-like beauty who stood in front of her.

"Yes, um, I'm Hyorin and I am 19 and it's a pleasure to meet you." she saved herself before she blabbered everything, she thought about her.

"Meet me outside class after it ends." Miss Kim said as she gave a pretty smile. 'Shit, was I too obvious?' thought Hyorin as she felt a pang of fear strike across her heart. It was exciting but at the same time, it almost felt like she was going pee in her pants.

Throughout the class, she would either stare at ShinHye or would be busy scribbling or doodling in her little notepad.

The bell rang. THE BELL RANG. This means, now she has to face ShinHye by herself.

She grabbed her backpack as she thought about disguising along with the crowd of students as they left the classroom. Right when she reached the teacher's table, a veiny, hand with painted red nails which was decorated with bracelets and rings grabbed her shoulder. She was busted.

She turned back with the fakest smile that she could put on her face and locked eyes with her teacher.

"Where do you think you are going, Hyorin?" said ShinHye. Up until this moment, she thought her name was not that special. Now that she heard the raspy, pitched voice say her name, she thought differently.

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