03| Fête | 파티

63 24 4

"You ready?" asked Jinwoo as he stood in front of me wearing a fitted black tee and jeans with his curly hair falling down his forehead as they stopped right at his eyebrows.

Hyorin, however, does not look presentable. Her brown hair in a messy ponytail, her eyeliner all smudged and she looks hungover, even though the only thing that she drank was a Capri-Sun.

"Do I look ready?" "Not really," said Jinwoo. "Good. So, I'll have to get ready," said Hyo as she ran into the washroom with a black lace dress and denim jacket. She did her classic 'no-makeup makeup look' and headed out with her hair in a half-up down ponytail.

The party was not too far away. However, Chaeyoung was a senior. Two years elder than the pair that headed down the hallways as Hyo's heels clicked.

"Here" shouted Jinwoo as soon as they ran inside the house. All eyes on them. Pin drop silence. AWKWARD.

"There's no attendance going on, y'know. Anyways come in. Hey Jinwoo and Hi, girl in the black dress." said Chaeyoung. "Um hey, my name is Hyorin but you can call me Hyo but the girl in black dress has a ring to it," said Hyorin feeling kinda offended. "Oh sorry, my bad. Hi Hyo. Help yourself, food in the kitchen, drinks on the table, and bedrooms out of reach. We don't want nasties running around."

"Oh ok, thanks see you later," replied Hyo as she headed to the red bowl and poured herself some kool-aid, and sat on the couch while people played games and chatted away.

After a while, she thought it would be a better idea to roam around the house as Jinwoo and Hyemi were already busy cuddling and she didn't want to disturb them.

As she sipped the red liquid, she heard a voice from one of the rooms. She leaned in closer to listen better.

"I can't believe you forgot my name," she sounded dejected and borderline offended.

'Ooh drama' she thought. She knelt down on the floor and peeped through the keyhole, well, in this case, peephole.

A man was standing at the foot of Shinhye's bed with her trousers bundled up in his arms and his shirt hanging open.

If Shinhye's head wasn't pounding, she would have made more of an effort to appease the beautiful man standing half-naked in her room, but even the light shining through the window was too much for her fragile eyes. Her brain capacity at that moment was preventing him from trying to remember what the stranger's name was.

Names flashed behind her eyelids, but each and everyone that she tried to place on the stranger's face was unfitting.

Her eyes lit up as a fitting name, or what she thought to be a fitting name, came to mind. "...Taeil?"

The stranger stared at her, disbelief written across his features as he pulled on his trousers and buttoned up his shirt.

Shinhye pouted as she watched golden-toned skin disappear behind dark denim.

"You're a bitch," 'Taeil' muttered under his breath as he got down on his knees to look for his shoes which he could vaguely remember kicking off haphazardly the night before.

'Rude' thought Hyorin as she got up from the floor and kept walking and interfering in other people's business.

She was met with congratulatory high fives when she finally went downstairs.

Hyorin was perplexed when Hyemi pulled her into a bone-crushing embrace, squealing and squeaking excitedly.

She resembled that of a deer in headlights as she looked between the two of them confusedly.

"Why are you guys hugging me? Did I do something?" she asked as Jinwoo and Hyemi exchanged quizzical looks.

"Because of that girl..." Jinwoo shut his eyes as he recalled the elusive stranger. He whistled, "She is beautiful. Beyond beautiful - stunning! And she is a teacher"

Hyorin's confusion was bringing out her rare cantankerous side as she glared at Jinwoo. "If you thought so, then maybe you should've been the one to peep on her, also you can't thirst over another woman in front of your girlfriend. Loyalty is a thing y'know" she spat.

They interrogated Hyorin. When their interrogation had ended, Jinwoo and Hyemi glanced at each other, disappointed.

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