011| Baiser | 키스

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Her aim went downhill from there, and she missed almost every basket while she continued to play the game. Hyo groaned, her heart beating quickly in her chest as she found herself a blushing mess who had just lost to the most competitive girl in the world. 

More tickets left the machine, and she didn't turn around to face Shinhye, knowing she was either a smiling mess or doing her celebratory victory dance. She took a deep breath as she wondered how to respond to her, not knowing how to tell the girl that you liked her back and she had sabotaged her game. Hyorin felt her heart beating, and as she turned hesitantly on her heel, her eyes met Shinhye's. Her entire expression was gleaming from the joy of saying how she felt and winning.

 Shinhye wanted to kiss her. It was now a couple of days into them knowing each other and she was growing increasingly frustrated. She would stare at her lips as Hyorin talked about the most mundane topics, and soon she wouldn't even be listening to all, too busy focusing on how soft her mouth looked and deciphering what she would taste like. 

Of course, instead of finding out for herself right then, she felt pressured to do it right. She had already had her first kiss and even though, it was not the most memorable one for her, she wanted to make Hyorin's first kiss the best that she had ever had.  She wasn't expecting it to be all Disney-like with foot-popping kisses or anything, but she would hope that she could feel fireworks when her lips finally met Hyo's.

Being someone who liked to be prepared, she researched it first. She even searched online. She was determined to make their first kiss together the best first kiss Hyorin had ever experienced.

"That went better than I had experienced but I could've won if only you didn't distract me," Hyorin whined. But as soon as she stopped whining, she felt Shinhye grab her hand and make her face her.

She almost felt herself getting lost in the way Shinhye's Maybelline stained lips moved.

"You talk way too much," said Shinhye as she took Hyorin in a little secluded space in the back of the arcade.

"Can I kiss you?" asked Shinhye as she didn't want to force the younger girl into doing something she didn't like.

Unlike what Shinhye thought, Hyorin agreed. She closed her eyes and waited for the woman in front of her to place her lips on hers.

So she did.

Maybe time stopped when Shinhye's lips met Hyorin's, but the flutter only intensified. Hyorin's heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker. She could only focus on how soft she felt against her mouth, how addictively she invaded all her senses.

It still wasn't clear if she dreamed this moment to live, but there was raw emotion in the way her fingers curled around hers. Shinhye kept her eyes half-open, sneaking a guilty peek at her every time she came back for air, just to make sure this wasn't a figment of her imagination.

She wasn't sure if nature rooted for this moment or if her mind tricked her into a perfect present, but every breath she took smelled like lavender, and for the first time since she'd known herself, she didn't feel shy. If anything, the warm feeling of her breath, although destabilizing, was inviting. This time around she draped both arms around Hyorin's small frame and met her lips again halfway.

 Heat rose from Hyorin's stomach to her chest. Shinhye's lips were getting closer and her heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of her hypnotic beyond reason. She parted her lips and felt her washing over like a wave of warmth, curling her toes, unfurling all her senses as the taste of her nearly silenced all thoughts.

Soon, Shinhye pulled away and licked her lips as she tasted the cherry lip balm and a bit of saliva from Hyorin's mouth.

This was definitely going to be one of the best kisses both of them had ever experienced.

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