13| Ennuyeuse | 지루한

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These past few days were so boring for Hyorin.

In the end, it was the weekdays she couldn't cope with, and that terrible listlessness which starts to set in at about 9:00, when you know that you have all the boring classes, you could usefully have used to do any other thing that day. That however hard she stared at any given paragraph in the papers she would never actually read it, or use the revolutionary new pruning technique it describes, and that as she stared at the clock the hands will move relentlessly on to three o'clock, and she would enter the long dark period of doing another ennui task, that is homework.

She had her math class which was taken by the strict Mrs. Choi. She shared it with Mijoo, who was surprisingly one of the best students. It almost felt like she was as good as Hyo herself.

Then she had Biology which was taken by the cool teacher, Mr. Seo. He was older compared to most of the teachers that Hyo has had. Maybe, that's why he was cool. He has been through a lot and doesn't have the patience to deal with everything all over again. But that's just an assumption, Hyorin made.

Chemistry was taken by Mrs. Jung. She just looks done. She just didn't look like she wanted to teach. She probably used to be rather cool and enthusiastic back in the days when the grass seemed greener.

Physics, her favorite subject, was taken by Mr. Lee. As much as she loves the subject, she never really liked the teacher. According to him, students are supposed to follow orders and work hard. Which is not much of a problem, except you are supposed to make it fun. He almost felt like a drill sergeant.

English. She was the best teacher that Hyorin could think of. Shinhye's lips were like Summer rain, pouring over hers as if they had the power to take away and give back life. Unfortunately, students miss the majority of what Shinhye says during the class and can recollect practically nothing after the bell rings, Hyorin being one of them. Shinhye's eyes are black holes pulling Hyo in until all gravity is lost under her touch.

But these few days, she had been missing classes. Mainly, because she had to go home because her mom had some kind of heart problem. However, she was fine now. Hyorin would text Shinhye at times, mostly sending her pickup lines and stuff. However, they weren't official yet. Neither Shinhye nor Hyorin asked each other to be theirs, so technically, they weren't dating. That annoyed the heck out of them. Both of them kept waiting for each other to ask out but that never really happened.

But enough waiting. Shinhye was going to ask her herself. She was prepared. It was either going to be yes or no. She really wants it to be a yes but she wouldn't try to persuade her and change her mind if she said no.

So, now she's prepared. She knows what she is doing. She's going to go to Seoul, meet her and propose. Yes, that's was what she was going to do.

'Please say yes.' thought Shinhye as she slipped into a deep slumber.

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