06| Panique | 공황

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"Yes ma'am, how may I help you?" said Hyorin, trying not to be distracted by the woman in front of her.

"Weren't you at the party yesterday? The kool-aid girl?" said ShinHye, trying her best to recognize the face that she saw the night before.

"Yes, that sounds like me. Are you the woman I spilled my drink on? I feel so guilty. Even now." Hyorin said as she actually felt guilt sweep over her.

"Hey, that's ok. It's not that big of a deal. However, if you feel really guilty, there is something you can do." said ShinHye with a slight smirk.

"Sure. What can I do?" asked Hyorin. Finally, a chance for her to repent her mistake.

"Lunch at the cafeteria today? You don't have to agree if you have plans though," said ShinHye.

'I hope it's a date' thought Hyorin. 'Jinwoo can wait. ShinHye cannot. Plus, I might get the full score if I manage to date her. No one would want their partner to fail in life.' "Sure, I'm down" replied Hyorin.

"Cool, see you later," said ShinHye as she waved her hand at Hyorin.

'That went surprisingly well.' thought Hyorin. 'Next class is Physics. Eff Physics' thought Hyo as she dragged herself to her class.

As the class proceeded, she received a text on her phone. "Meet me in the 3rd-floor girl's washroom," read the text from Hyemi.

"May I use the washroom, sir?" Hyorin asked as she almost snatched the bathroom pass and ran out of the class.

"What do you want?" said Hyorin as she met a stressed Hyemi in the bathroom.

"Ok, so Jinwoo's birthday is coming and I want to do something nice for him and I need your help," said Hyemi. 'Is this bitch for real?' thought Hyo as she regretted all her life choices.

"Couldn't you have asked me after class? I thought you were getting mugged or something," said Hyo rightfully pissed.

"Oops. Sorry," said Hyemi. "Ok, fine, now that I'm- " as Hyo was going to say something, the door swung open. There stood the English teacher on whom Hyo might or might not have developed a teeny tiny crush.

"Um, wouldn't it be better if you knocked? I mean, we could've been naked. You wouldn't wanna see stuff that'd get you traumatized now, would you?" said Hyo, trying to break the awkwardness. However, that did not help, instead of the awkwardness, the sexual tension increased. In fact, it was so high that if it was a tower, Hyemi would have jumped off of it then stand there and listen to the banter between the two.

"Mhmm" Hyemi cleared her throat as she told Hyorin, "I'm leaving. Sort it out."

She cornered and left the room through the doorway where ShinHye was standing. 

'All I wanted to do was to use the washroom, why did I get attacked like this?' thought Shinhye.

Right as soon as she was going to turn around and leave, she heard a comment, which she thought was directed at her.

"Damn, that's hot," said Hyorin. Shinhye turned back at Hyorin and gave her the What-did-you-just-say look. Hyorin seemed to have understood it. "Shit did I say that out loud?" said Hyorin.

This might have been weird or lowkey creepy for some people, but for ShinHye, this was another cute thing about Hyorin. The fact that she said what she thought was both adorable and bold.

"You think I'm hot?" asked ShinHye as she placed the books in her hand on the sink.

"Maybe," said Hyorin hesitantly. I mean, come on, you can't just go up to your teacher and say you are so hot, I wanna date you, can you?

"Remember the lunch thing, let's cancel it," said ShinHye in a seductive way.

This. This one line put Hyorin in a sheer state of panic. Thousands of thoughts started swarming her head. Was it weird? Does she not like her back? Is she being creepy? She should've kept it to herself. Now, the love of her life probably hates her. 

"Instead of that, let's go on a date. Are you free this Saturday?" asked Shinhye with that classic million-dollar smile.

 "YES, I am completely free. I do not have anything important." Hyorin basically shouted at ShinHye.

"Fine then, let's go to the nearby arcade. Do you like playing games?" asked ShinHye as she grabbed her books, preparing to go to the next class.

"I'd love to. Bye. See you on Saturday." Hyorin said as she frantically waved her hand at Shinhye as she left.

'Wow, great job. Not only did you miss a class. You also managed to act like a cringy schoolgirl in front of your teacher. At least, I managed to score a date, so I probably managed to do something right.' thought Hyorin to herself as she left the bathroom.

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