15| Restaurant | 레스토랑

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"As you wish," said Hyorin as she dressed up in a short red sleeveless dress which stopped right at her mid-thigh. She wore a pair of dainty earrings and a small pendant on her neck.

She let down her hair which reached right below her shoulder blades as she put on a headband.

She finished the look with a red gradient lip and a winged liner and red pumps.

"Better?" asked Hyo as she stood in front of Jinwoo. "Better than the last attempt but honestly you could've done better. Now let's go," said he as he grabbed her hand and dragged her down the stairs, and went to Hyemi's dorm where her friend, Jisoo, was helping her to get ready.

She wore a satin blue shirt and flared jeans and had her hair in a ponytail. She looked really good.

As the three of them got into the taxi that Jinwoo had booked, Hyorin third-wheeled the couple next to her. Little did she know that she was going to get a girlfriend soon.

'Flavoroso' was the name of the restaurant that they were, at that moment, standing in front of. Fancy.

As they went in, a waiter greeted them. "Welcome to the restaurant, sir and ladies. Please, let me guide you to the tables. We have a table for four. Would you prefer a corner or a middle one?" asked the waiter. "Corner, thank you," replied Hyemi as she grabbed both Jinwoo and my arm and took us to the table.

"Yes ma'am. Let me arrange it." said the waiter as he left.

"Isn't this a bit too fancy? I mean, we could've gone to our cafe and you guys could've had your date," said Hyorin.

"Mhm, passes? You really expect me to waste them," asked Jinwoo as Hyemi scrolled through her phone texting, someone.

"Who are you texting?" asked Hyo curiously.

"Hmm, no one. Jisoo. She needed some book which was in my drawer." answered Hyemi.

'Convincing' thought Hyorin. 

"Excuse me, Ms. Choi Hyemi. The table that I've arranged is on the far left-hand side right below the chandelier. Hope you enjoy your meal." said the waiter as he guided them through the crowd.

As we sat down, Jinwoo spoke up, "Guys, if you could excuse me, I need to use the washroom." as he left the table towards the washroom.

The girls didn't think much and kept talking and giggling as they shared a lot of common things.

Time went by and Jinwoo didn't come so Hyemi, who got worried, went looking for him. Little did Hyorin know that it was all a plan.

Another 10 minutes passed and Hyo thought about going looking for them. As she was about to get up, she saw a woman with perfectly curled hair and a green jumpsuit approach her. On a closer look, she realized who the lady was. Kim ShinHye. She was met with her as she smiled and pulled her in a hug.

"Whoa, your outfit is so amazing!" said Shinhye as she let go of her.

"Thanks, that nail art is so incredible. It looks great on you," said Hyo as she admired her.

"Looking for someone, are you?" asked Shinhye. "yeah. I can't find Hyemi and Shinhye. They were here like a minute ago." said Hyo. Shinhye spotted the couple coming from the other end of the restaurant as they winked at her. "There they are," said she as they reached to the female talking to each other.

"Are you here with someone?" asked Jinwoo to the lady standing beside Hyorin. "Not really. I came here alone," replied Shinhye with her heart-melting smile.

"Then please join us. Hyo didn't want to third wheel. Having you here with her won't make her feel like she's third-wheeling."

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