02| Dortoir | 호스텔

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The car ride to her hostel was pretty pleasant. Mr. Song driving the car. Mrs. Song lecturing her on how she should stop wasting her time on that phone of hers and study once in a while.

It was a short 30 minutes journey from her home. As soon as they reached the hostel, she had no difficulty in finding her room. There it was. Room 186 where she spent her first semester, slogging her arse off, studying what aerodynamics is and how to use it.

As she walked in, she saw her roommate, Jinwoo lying on the bed, chewing the back of his pencil as he scribbled something on his notebook.

"Hi Hyo," he said with his signature radiant smile. If Hyorin was straight, she would have been head over heels for him. IF. After all the greetings happened and Hyo's parents made sure that there was no distraction that would divert their oh-so-saintly daughter's attention, they deemed it perfect.

"We'll be leaving now. Make sure that you eat your meals and call me every day. Your curfew is going to be at 9 p.m and even though, you are fully an adult, no alcohol. Also, no chicks till you get an average of 95% in your upcoming exam. Is that clear?" said her mom.

'She's just worried and it's still better than last time' thought Hyo. " Ok mother. Your wish is my command," said Hyorin as she kept the family picture right next to her study table.

"Take care, both of you, and bye, see you guys later," said Mr. Song as he took Mrs. Song's arm while heading out.

As soon as the door closed, Jinwoo said, "Yo, party tonight at Chaeyoung's place. Wanna go?" "Didn't you hear what they just said? No alcohol, curfew, no chicks, bleh, bleh, bleh," said Hyo as if that was necessary knowledge.

"But college starts tomorrow and the party is today. Also, I'm sure they have kool-aid," he said.

"Please come with me. Hyemi is coming and I haven't seen her in ages." Jinwoo practically begged Hyorin to come with him, with the puppy eyes that can turn anyone weak.

"But don't you guys like text and video call each other all the damn time? Also, puppy eyes don't work on me" Hyorin claimed. After a second thought, however, she agreed, mostly because she was either going to stay at home and finish Money Heist on Netflix or scroll through Instagram. Either of them was unhealthy. You know what is not unhealthy, socialization.

"Okie, I'll come but only because you insist," responded Hyo.

"Yay. I'm going out to do some work, do you need anything? I'll get it if I find it on the way."

"Nothing needed. I have Everything packed for today."

"K, so I'll head out."

"Bye," said Hyo as she sat down at her study table with her physics book opened in front of her. The book was decorated with neon highlighted lines over the printed words. There was a flower on one corner of the book that Hyo drew maybe because she was bored and had nothing better to do.

After studying for almost two hours, which was enough for her to learn her physics, she got up to grab lunch on her way to explore her hostel for the 7th time.

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