07| Classe | 수업

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"You're kidding me. There is no way that happened. Even if she comes over and kisses you in front of me, I'm not going to believe it. You gotta be stupid. Miss Kim taking you on a date? Yeah sure. Whatever." said Jinwoo as he thought she was lying. Why would she need to lie to her best friend? And that too about her teacher? It's not like Hyorin needs to persuade ShinHye over, just for the sake of an A+. She was a good student herself.

"Tell me a single reason why I'd lie to you," asked Hyo in disbelief as she stared at her friend.

"I don't know. Dumb people do dumb stuff," replied Jinwoo to her question. He tried leaving for his next class, which was Psychology.

"Where do you think you're going, you Karen owned 7-pound chihuahua?" Hyorin said as she tried her best on her short legs.

"I got classes. Unlike you, I don't have a sugar mommy who'd give me grades for going to an arcade date with her on the weekends." snickered Jinwoo as he walked off to his class.

"She's not my sugar mommy, you dumbass," yelled Hyo.

'What do I have?' thought Hyorin to herself. 'Oh, nevermind, I have maths.'

Hyorin went inside her class as she saw Mrs. Choi was already waiting in the class. "Where were were you M/s. Song? Don't you know that the class is supposed to start 10 minutes ago? May I know what made you late?" said Mrs. Choi in a stern voice.

"Um, I was at- " Hyorin started making up excuses, she heard the voice of her English teacher speak up. "I'm sorry, professor. She was with me. She had some doubts about the essay that I had assigned them. I was just clarifying them. Hope it wasn't too much of a worry," said ShinHye with her charming smile. Mrs. Choi seemed to like that excuse.

Right when she was about to walk away, she winked at Hyo which turned her weak at her knees. "Don't be late next time. I won't be here all the time to cover up for you," said ShinHye as she smirked and walked away. All happened as Hyorin stared at her with her big eyes. Like a deer caught in the headlights. 'For me? Did she cover up for me? Damn, she must really like me," thought Hyorin as she stood in the doorway with her books in her hands.

"Do I need to give you a formal invitation for you to attend my class? Sit down next to M/s. Lee and dare I see anyone utter a single word, they'll be out of my class. I don't want any kind of distraction disrupting this learning environment. Understood?" said Mrs. Choi in her typical stern voice. The types that can make a baby cry.

'She is a strict one. Gotta behave in her class.'  thought Hyorin as she sat down next to Mijoo.

"Hi, what chapter are we doing? " asked Hyo as she kept turning the pages of the book. "Probably, Trigonometry. I'm not sure though," said Mijoo as she zoned out.

She drew her imaginary character at the back of the notebook as the class proceeded. She needed to go to work as well. Hyorin worked part-time at a cafe. Why a cafe you ask? Well because she loves the scent of coffee. Also, the man who owns it loves Hyorin as a daughter. And it pays well.

After an hour passed and she left the hellhole that people seem to call college. There she was lying on her bed as she took her makeup and clothes off. The feeling of air hitting places on your body. The feeling Hyorin loved.

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