08| Café | 카페

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Hyorin got ready for her shift at the local cafe. It was a 10 minutes walk from her dorm. So, she left. She had her headphones in her ears, music blasted through them.

"Bar to bar at the speed of sound

Fancy feet dancing through this town

Lost my mind in a wedding gown" sang Hyorin as she walked through the sidewalks.

She opened the glass door and went inside the cafe. "Hey, guys," said Hyo as she walked inside the counter.

"Hi, Hyorin," replied Dabin and Joohyuck simultaneously.

"I heard that the second years have a new English teacher. Rumors say that she is gorgeous. Is she? Aren't you in the second year?" questioned Gaeun.

"Oh yeah. A new English teacher joined. Her name's ShinHye. She is really pretty. And unlike Mr. Byun, she can actually teach. Now if you may, I need to change into my work attire," said Hyorin, the diss at Mr. Byun was not intended, walking into the locker to get her apron.

As the day went by, customers came and ordered coffee and pastries and other sweet stuff.

Hyorin was scrolling through Instagram when she heard the bell chime. A woman came in with a brown purse in her hand. She was wearing a black bucket hat and her clothes looked like she came out of a noir film. Wait, nevermind, she is ShinHye.

She looked at Hyorin. "Stalking me, are you?" ShinHye asked cockily.

"Well, I work here so 'Welcome to Midlevel cafe. What may I get you?'" Hyo said with a slight smirk. "Also, thanks for having my back today at class," Hyorin said gratefully.

"Get me a Cortado and banana bread. Also, no problem. But just don't repeat it, you get it?" said the ShinHye in her classic smoky voice.

"Ok, miss Kim. That would be 8,570.84 ₩." said Hyorin as she walked over to hand her drink.

"Thanks, Hyorin. Also, call me Shinhye outside classes. I'm your teacher at school. Not outside." said Shinhye with her dazzling smile.

"Sure Shinhye," said Hyorin dapperly. "Hey, I didn't get your number? I thought it'd be better if you gave it to me since we spend our time together. Wouldn't it be better?" said Hyorin as she handed her a piece of paper and a pen.

"Yeah sure," said Shinhye as he wrote her number on the paper and gave it to Hyo.

She took the brown paper bag and the drink from Hyorin and left the store, not before waving her hand at Hyo, of course.

"Hi, guys! Oh my god, are y'all ok? Come to mommy." said in an adenoidal tone as she talked to the brown fluffy ball of her joy. "Hi, Jiho. Hey Areum. Omg, who's the bestest boy? Yes, it is you, baby. Seok, you've been the nicest pup."

She wrapped all the three puppies in a hug. She got her first pup right after moving away from home. Jiho had been with her for almost 1 and a half years. Jiho was a Corgi. Then came Areum. She is the most well-behaved dog that Shinhye can ever think of. She was a beagle. Being a Shit Tzu, she is the calmest and chillest out of the lot. She has had Seok for the shortest time period. However, it doesn't look like it. Seok will always lick her face whenever she comes anywhere near his territory, as he preferred to call it.

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