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Jinwoo said with a number of hair dyes in his hands," Which one suits me better?" Hyorin replied annoyed, "You can try the red one, paint your face white, and put on a red nose. That way you will look like a clown because your relationship is a fucking joke." 

"Jeez, woman. Calm down," said Jinwoo. "And my relationship is a joke? You are clearly falling in love with a teacher of yours. And you are not even dating her-" Jinwoo said as Hyorin interrupted him.

"Well, the joke's on you as I'm going on a date with her this Saturday. However, you are going to stuck here with neon green hair." She couldn't tell him about Hyemi's birthday party plan, could she?

"No way, this Saturday. Wait, isn't today Saturday? When are you supposed to go?" asked Jinwoo, looking more excited than Hyo as she grabbed her phone as texted Shinhye.

"Don't just ask straightaway. There's no fun in that. Write a cheesy pickup line." said Jinwoo.

"No, I'm not going to-" just as Hyorin was about to say, Jinwoo interrupted him and said, "I have managed to date, you have not. I am pro, you are a rookie. Don't teach the boss himself." "Ughh, fine. What do I write?" asked Hyorin pissed. She clearly did not have her morning coffee.

"I'm going to give you a handful of pickup lines. Choose one," said Jinwoo.

"Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!" "Nah, heard it many times. I need something better," said Hyorin unbothered. "Well, what about this? They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Well apparently, no one has ever been standing next to you." said Jinwoo. "Disneyland? The happiest place on Earth? Haven't you read the creepy Disney article?" "Yikes, well, this next one is better. Charles Dickens might have given you Great Expectations, but I can meet them." "Hey, this sounds good. Let me text her," said Hyorin, feeling contempt.

"Charles Dickens might have given you Great Expectations, but I can meet them." read aloud Hyorin as she texted Shinhye. "Also, when are we going?" 

"Honestly, what would you do without me?" said Jinwoo. "Oh wait, I know, not be able to get a date," he said as he answered his own question.

"She texted back." Hyorin practically screamed.

"What did she say?" said Jinwoo feeling nervous. What if his plan backfired? 

"She replied with a 'that's cute and a smile-kiss emoticon'. Also, the date is at 7 o'clock." said Hyorin nonchalantly.

"Wait, 7 p.m? That's 2 hours from now." both the male and female screamed.

"Oh my god, I need to take a shower, shave, dress up, wear makeup. I won't be able to finish it in 2 hours," said Hyorin panicking.

"Wait, you shouldn't panic in a situation like this. Also, 2 hours is a huge time for you to get ready. Now, don't waste your time and shower." said Jinwoo as he pushed her into the bathroom.

For Hyorin, 2 hours passed in a blink of an eye. She got dressed up in a pretty white crop top with lace and rhinestones decorating it and a black satin ruffled skirt. To top the outfit, she wore a pretty black bracelet and matching necklace.

She also wore her black heels which she got for her graduation. She did light makeup and straightened her hair.

"How do I look?" asked Hyorin. "You look pretty good. Now leave," said Jinwoo as he dyed his hair in a shade of pale platinum.

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