The Run & The Run-Ins

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We were not so lucky

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We were not so lucky. 

Sobel demanded we run up the massive hill anyway. The rain poured down upon us so hard it felt like we were being stabbed by millions of pins. We were completely soaked to the bone.

What used to be a dirt trail, which was dangerous enough, to begin with, was now even more treacherous due to this sudden downpour - it was almost too much for us to bear. The massive amount of water falling from the dark sky above created little rushing streams on the muddy trail, bringing debris from the nearby woods onto the path causing us to trip and fall into the muck and mire. Several men were already covered in mud from all of the falling they did.

I pushed some of my wet hair that clung to my face out of the way and slipped, falling to the trail. I struggled to get my footing as it was so slippery, I couldn't get a good grip. I felt several pairs of hands helping me back to my feet, nodding my thanks to my helpers, Luz and Liebgott. I started to run alongside them again but I didn't get far.

After a couple of steps, I saw a massive muddy puddle. Stepping into it, I learned quickly it wasn't a puddle but rather a deep water-filled hole - about half the size of a foxhole. The hole formed because of the rushing water washing away the dirt and I sank into the middle of it. Submerged up to my waist, the water and mud sucked me further down. I shrieked but it was drowned out by the roaring thunder overhead. I struggled to claw my way out, fighting the suction and embarrassment that this happened to me.

Randleman and Christensen stopped to help me out. Once they got me out, they looked me over with such concern for my wellbeing, it was almost heartwarming but I wondered if they were giving me those looks because I had more in common with a drowned rat than a nurse. 

"I'm okay!" I shouted over the storm at them, "I'm okay!"

They exchanged glances before looking back at me with questioning gazes. With another reassured nod from me, they kept running up the muddy path with the others.

I carefully ran behind some of the men, realizing I needed to step where they stepped or I'd be causing all sorts of new problems for them. I glanced up the line to see Winters heading down the line towards me. The concern was apparent on his rain-soaked face as he reached me, running beside me the rest of the way up the hill. It was clear to me, he came back to make sure I'd reach the top as ordered and I was glad to have his help.

The storm didn't relent. 

When we finally reached the last incline to the top of the hill, we created a chain to hoist one another up to the top. By the time it was my turn to go, I reached my hand out to the men at the top and was pulled up. I slipped in the mud as I reached out to touch the stone pedestal sitting erect at the tip-top of the hill. Once everyone reached the top and touched the stone, we turned and made the treacherous trip back down.

As luck would have it, the rainstorm let up halfway down the hill. The men groaned and quietly complained. I couldn't help but feel the same. When we walked off the trail back into the camp, we were greeted by a smug-looking Sobel, comfortably standing under his black umbrella as he stared at us as we inched our way past.

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