Lunch Disrupted

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As soon as I sat down on my cot, I reflected on the crazy string of events the night held, fearing the repercussions that might stem from all of this

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As soon as I sat down on my cot, I reflected on the crazy string of events the night held, fearing the repercussions that might stem from all of this. Maybe Lieutenant Speirs was right: I needed to toughen up and learn how to defend myself before it was too late.

I was so lost in thought, I nearly jumped out of my skin when a hand gently touch my shoulder. My head snapped up to see Darla, who returned from the party early, peering down at me with apparent concern on her expression. She sat next to me on my cot. "Why was Lieutenant Speirs here?"

I bit my lip, shaking my head before explaining, "He was just escorting me back."

"Why? Did something happen after I left?" she questioned.

I sighed, kicking my heels off of my achey feet, thankful to be rid of them. I stood to change out of the dress I was in. "I don't want to talk about it, okay? Just...let it go, please."

Darla nodded glumly, knowing I would eventually talk about it but for the moment, she dropped the subject as I requested. After I changed and Darla moved to her end of the barracks, I climbed into my cot, silently crying myself to sleep.

For the next week, we were given the freedom to relax to do our own thing - no lectures, no training, and more importantly, no Sobel. The girls and I spent time together each day, without the men. We knew we would be separated when we were sent to our own divisions, so we made a pact to spend the time together.

Sarah begged for one day of shopping if we were able to get off the base. Luckily for her, we were able to get away for a few hours. Unfortunately, Sarah blew all of her money in the first shop she came to: a bakery. She grew upset with herself, informing us about her plan to get a new dress but her sweet tooth won the battle instead. We spent about an hour listening to her mope before Anne took matters into her own hands.

Anne stood on the corner of the busiest street of the town we escaped to, dropping her delicate crocheted hat onto the ground and began to sing. As she stood there performing a popular jazz song, the rest of us were stunned and amazed by the sound of her ethereal voice.

I leaned over to Darla and whispered, "Did you know she sang?"

"No...I had no idea!" she exclaimed.

As Anne sang, people walking by stopped to listen and eventually, they started to drop money into her hat. By the end of the song, the people who stayed to listen to the full song erupted into cheers and applause. She picked up her hat full of money, bowed, and we started to walk down the street together.

Anne stopped to sit on a patio chair in front of a cafe to count the money in her hat. Charlotte asked, "Where did you learn to sing like that?"

Anne smiled wide, eyes never looking up as she continued to count the money she earned. "I've always wanted to be a singer. I was taught at a young age and never gave it up."

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